Flight Rising General Thread (original) (no longer in use)

McBobberson said:
Oh no! The apparel I was grinding for in the coliseum is sold out! Whatever shall I do?

you go to the auction house and search for it
that's what you do

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Found this cutie for only 4500 on the AH

people and cheap dragons ohoho
i'm gonna do this all the time now
She's so pretty Ahh ; v ;
I'm not a fan of that eye burner color scheme usually, but damn she's pretty u v u

Yeah, I'm not suuuper into eyeburners (but they're growing on me), but I really love how all her colors trail and her overall look.

Also, she was only 20k. Just gotta feed her a ton of food. >.>
i was half asleep and i thought that i scavenged 4 shadow eggs so i woke up and was like "YEAH!!!" and checked my hoard, but alas, that is not how things work

Where did all the words go I just typed a nice message and everything GOD. Anyway. Um ok retype here we go.

Aww She has 0 food that's sad. I hate when people put dragons up for auction and don't feed them. But here's the cute baby I got from hypnoticsoul when I first joined. I love her! <3


Ok!! So like a dummy, some where down the line, I exalted my random progen I got. I just realized, that I missed him and he founded the clan I have and I wanted him back! Well, stupid me exalted him so I re-created him. Hes not the same but he is. And now he's Irishim :D

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Aww She has 0 food that's sad. I hate when people put dragons up for auction and don't feed them. But here's the cute baby I got from hypnoticsoul when I first joined. I love her! <3

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Also, theres scrolls that reset a gene to basic right? :eek:

I usually figure that a dragon in the AH with 0 energy was put there by someone who either doesn't play often or has just come back to the game and wants to pare down their lair before starting again. It's not really practical for them to feed aaallll their dragons just to put them in the AH. Feeding an entire lair from 0 energy would take a loooooot of food.

Yes, there are remove gene scrolls.
These guys are in the Auction House for 10k after not being bought for a week, so, there you go!

With an exception of this girl - who's in the Auction House for 12k. ~

Ooh, selling dragons time? Here's Hope and Ruin's last clutch which I still have hanging around my lair for some reason. 8-10k each?


hi my name is retro and i impulse buy dergs at 1 am on school nights

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hi my name is retro and i didNT MEAN TO
I need these bbs out by tonight ; v ;


All are in the AH, though I'd definitely be willing to haggle u v u​

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hi retro
impulse buy my dergs pls
Time to purge my lair. o: I'm selling some (more) dragons. Some I've had for a long time (one since the first week I started playing), some are offspring from my breeding pairs who finally grew up. There are double and gened Gen 1s down the bottom, as well as ungened XYZs.

Most are priced in the AH, but I can go lower for you guys. :)

Gened Gen 1s:

Double Gen 1s:

Other Gen 1s:

these babs are on AH for 5k each

Give them a good home!!

LAIR SPACE nuff said

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lucky they didn't inherit their mommas crackle

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but it looks good on herrrr

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Time to purge my lair. o: I'm selling some (more) dragons. Some I've had for a long time (one since the first week I started playing), some are offspring from my breeding pairs who finally grew up. There are double and gened Gen 1s down the bottom, as well as ungened XYZs.

Most are priced in the AH, but I can go lower for you guys. :)

Gened Gen 1s:

Double Gen 1s:

Other Gen 1s:

i am so attracted to that eyeburner SD girl but i need to stop because i already have two very similar to her,,, I LOVE THOSE COLORS TOGETHER aughhhhhh
i am so attracted to that eyeburner SD girl but i need to stop because i already have two very similar to her,,, I LOVE THOSE COLORS TOGETHER aughhhhhh

Ooorrr you could be like me and have 4 6 almost identical dragons. xD And we'll breed them together and flood the AH with beautiful eyeburner babies.
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