May I please be put on the 2nd reserve for Marina?
Ah. I would hold her for a day or two and if they don't log back on, void her or put her up for everyone.
Certainly! Actually you have the first reserve because for some reason I still have Eridan Ampora's name on the list twice one of which still has with their old reserves.
Two day hold is my standard wait, so today and tomorrow and then I'll put her up to be adopted. I think she kinda popular so finding someone shouldn't be difficult.
I kept meaning to tell you that you never got rid of the old ones. I just noticed the gassy. Hehehe
Gassy ^^
Hi, thank you so much for taking my reserves a few weeks ago! But recently I have actually gotten all three of them, so you can remove those reserves now, thank you! (Julian, Freya and Phoebe).
But if you don't mind, I would like to reserve Whitney, Diana (I am sure they are both full, though), Filbert, Pierce and Poncho
You can remove me for Stitches! (Finally getting him!)
It's been lifted, but the person took a while to get him in boxes.
As a reminder, chatting should be kept to a minimum. I've noticed a lot of chatting in this thread that really isn't need it--a lot of it off-topic. Please try and focus on the topic at hand and don't go too far from it.
It makes it hard for people to keep up and also works (a bit unfairly) to keep your topic constantly at the top when there really isn't a reason for it to be, so we ask people keep to a minimum not only because going so far off-topic causes it to turn into spam as this forum isn't for that kind of stuff and to be fair to others' threads.
As a reminder, chatting should be kept to a minimum. I've noticed a lot of chatting in this thread that really isn't need it--a lot of it off-topic. Please try and focus on the topic at hand and don't go too far from it.
It makes it hard for people to keep up and also works (a bit unfairly) to keep your topic constantly at the top when there really isn't a reason for it to be, so we ask people keep to a minimum not only because going so far off-topic causes it to turn into spam as this forum isn't for that kind of stuff and to be fair to others' threads.
I recently got Genji and Ken, which means I've got no reserves left.
Can you reserve Annalisa and Purrl for me? I'm a bit afraid about Purrl's slots being filled, even though it's not mentioned in the first post. It's just that I remember seeing a few Purrl reservers :b