What are some foods out there that taste good while they're either hot or cold? For example, my favorite would be pizza. I'll take it while it's hot, but the next day it tastes amazing cold too.
I feel like pie might be a good contender for this. Nothing like a warm pie but of course they're good cold too. Especially fruit pies! And if you think about it, hot cocoa is essentially just chocolate milk but warm- that tastes good cold too!
Pasta. I love to make traditional hot pasta dishes, but I also love to just have some cooled down pasta. I add some raw vegetables I have lying around and something like a cream cheese spread with herbs or some pesto. That's the easiest summer meal, and you can bring it with you for lunch.
Pies and pastries too. They are just different experiences when eaten warm or cold, and both are very good.
I also love things like meatballs and chicken wings cold.
Spinach! How can I forget, I love spinach! Both cooked, mostly in sauces or other dishes, but it's also really delicious raw in salads.
most desserts are pretty good either hot or cold ❤
pasta too, especially pesto sauce is good either way. I prefer stuff like tomato/cream sauce to be hot and more salady things (dressings and whatnot) cold though.
I came here to say Pizza. I didnt think cold Pizza was this popular, makes me glad to see it receive proper appreciation. I also like Rice when it is cold, and Cake too!