Gender Race! .::Round 2: Thread 2::.

ok... and when were the girls supposed to win? there was never a "when the girls get to x, they win!" so of course you guys win. it's what the whole game was about.
AnimalXingPlaya said:
Wuhaha. XD
Boys win again!
New thread will be up by tomorrow.
*Will be closed tomorrow*
maybe when the new thread is up, you can say what number the girls should try getting to in order to win. makes sense, no?
Oh, and people were informing each other what numbers. ;)
I didn`t add anything about the boys numbers, so that last part makes no sense.
AnimalXingPlaya said:
No double posting.

Girls add ON to the number.
Boys subtract OFF the number.
Edit posts if they are wrong.
Good luck.
Race 1 Winners: Boys
Race 2 Winners: ?

where does it say when the girls or boys would win? maybe i'm blind and missing it... i'm confused, but apparently the boys win when they hit 0 since that's when it ended. what number would the girls need to get to before they won?
Well, lets see...

The number starts on 500.
Girls add on.
Boys subtract.
Boys won at 0.
What do you think?
AnimalXingPlaya said:
Well, lets see...

The number starts on 500.
Girls add on.
Boys subtract.
Boys won at 0.
What do you think?
uhh... i don't know, so that's why i'm asking.

my guess is girls weren't meant to win at all - it was just to see how long we could prolong this game.
AnimalXingPlaya said:
Do the math.
what math?! omg... lol...

is it so hard to answer a question? i mean seriously...

i can add and subtract by 1... my question is not about math...


the boys win when the number is 0. the number starts at 500. when would the girls win, if they were to win?

notice that... this question does not require mathematics.