General Town Meeting Thread

Anyone want to come over and fish? If you do, PM me.

I have a 4-day weekend and I could play a lot of video games today...can someone visit my town?
[quote="Shadow_] I will

:) Ill bring some peaches, too. [/quote]
tnx, my gates are now open
I am looking for a town to visit....the fish aren't biting today...

Edit:renewing message
ok forget abaout the renewal thing! I bored! Can I visit someones town?
I have only one page filled on my friend roster and would like some more. PM me for my info! my town is called...well...DEATH, and I am known as Edward. i also sell oranges and cherries, golden shovels (if anyone wants one, PM me and i shall make it for you), and will buy any furniture in the Japanese Series. i am looking forward to getting more people to come!
Anyone up up for some wi-fi? My town isn't much of a great town so at yours? My info is above...
Fossil said:
Anyone up up for some wi-fi? My town isn't much of a great town so at yours? My info is above...
Can I come? Please? I joined here so I can get out of my town.


If yes, than I will PM my code, name and town
Sure, you can come to my town.

My info:
Name: Fossil
Town: Zeston
Friend Code: 4166-7605-4530

Just ditch your axe first. Axes are a no-no.