General Town Meeting Thread

Would anyone like to come to my mortgage party?

I'm Squall in Tokyo, code is 2964-1724-8233. I'm just going to wait for someone to come and post, then I'll open.
'nods head' I have 80+ peaches right now, so I'll bring you some to trade, say, 6:00 eastern?
Sounds reasonable. Maybe a little later though, I'll let you know, but what is your town and name?
Fossil said:
Anyone wanna come to my town? Its snowing!

:D My gate is open.
I'm still doing people inviting....

Wow, you guys don't use this thread alot. Been out for 2 months and only 7 pages. :\ Anyone?
Fossil said:
Fossil said:
Anyone wanna come to my town? Its snowing!

:D My gate is open.
I'm still doing people inviting....

Wow, you guys don't use this thread alot. Been out for 2 months and only 7 pages. :\ Anyone?
I'll come, but the cat's not here.
Does anyone heree wants me to visit his/her town... kinda bored...


GAMEQ in Laredo, 2534-6379-2843
Any1 wanna hang out.


3D1T: 1M 0P3N1N MY G4T3S, y0.

3d1t:0p3n 4g41n,y0
i wana go to another town!!

however, my friend roster is full, so if u have me, and i most likely have u, than open your gates!

:llama: :llama: :llama: :llama: :llama: :llama: :llama: :llama: :llama: :llama: :llama: :llama: :llama: :llama: :llama: :llama: