Get to know the people you share the forum with each day.

hi im kurt howzit. i like homestuck and dumb cartoons and also other stuff. yo
Hi again, it's Luigi, coming back to TBT now that he has time in his day to get on. If you don't know me, here are three things you need to know:

I am a Pokemon hacker who would be a-okay with getting you something valuable, but in return I ask for odd Pokemon. Right now I'm looking for a GTS-able Genesect, which I was able to make once upon a time but I lost my notes on it.

I play competitive Smash Bros Melee instead of Melee and 4, because Sm4sh became Tr4sh.

I'm on Reddit.


I am the lead designer for a Paper Mario: The Thousand Year Door fan project. I am taking the battle system in the game and applying it to a PvP model. We are still extremely early in development (we started art assets last week, and haven't put down a line of code) but some day, I want to make it a reality.

Dat's me.
Hi again, it's Luigi, coming back to TBT now that he has time in his day to get on. If you don't know me, here are three things you need to know:

I am a Pokemon hacker who would be a-okay with getting you something valuable, but in return I ask for odd Pokemon. Right now I'm looking for a GTS-able Genesect, which I was able to make once upon a time but I lost my notes on it.

I play competitive Smash Bros Melee instead of Melee and 4, because Sm4sh became Tr4sh.

I'm on Reddit.


I am the lead designer for a Paper Mario: The Thousand Year Door fan project. I am taking the battle system in the game and applying it to a PvP model. We are still extremely early in development (we started art assets last week, and haven't put down a line of code) but some day, I want to make it a reality.

Dat's me.

can you get me an agumon?
hi im kurt howzit. i like homestuck and dumb cartoons and also other stuff. yo
bet u didn't think i'd see this
hi i am claire and i draw and play video games. i am good at everything including certain sports, my good-looks, my musical talent and my academic skills. people on tumblr tell me my middle eastern culture was stolen from me (good riddance). also i am an atheist, vegan and crossfitter. my dad is really rich too
I am a male and my real name is Josh and I love invader zim and pokemon and I was born in the us in Denver and I live in pa. I love music and art. I am officially a freshman after my graduation today wbich already happened. I am 13 and I am turning fourteen on june 26th.
Hey hi hello! My name is Taylor, and I'm incredibly new to this site. I am graduating from high school this Thursday, and I'll be attending UCLA in the fall. I attended a high school for the arts, where I "majored" in Creative Writing. :)) I enjoy experimental fiction, screenwriting, television writing, and prose poetry. I'm really into film and television -- my favorite movie is Almost Famous, and my favorite show is Hannibal. I'm an ENFJ, an ailurophile, an idealist, and a yogi. You can find me on pretty much any social media site under the same "misstayleigh," and I hope to get to know some of you better! xx
Hey, I'm Noelle. However, I do prefer to go by Oliver. I just joined yesterday, so I'm still very new here. Where to start...Well, I'm a genderfluid pansexual. I'm a INFP and I kinda really fit the stereotypical idea of one lol.
I'm a junior in college with a pending history major. I love learning new facts about the world. I am interested in Native American and Asian cultures around the world.
I don't really watch much tv and if I want to watch a show, I'll just look up an episode on my laptop.
I have a tumblr that I really only use for tutorials on drawing. I really love drawing and making pixel art.

I'm not very interesting, though I'm always open to listening to other people and making new friends.
I do have a skype if anyone wants it. I don't usually voice/video chat unless I've REALLY gotten to know you. If you'd like to add me, do talk to me a bit first. I don't just add random people who I've never talked to @u@
Hi! Im Cam, and even though Ive been here a while, I never posted (I dont think haha). Here are some fun facts about me

Favorite color: a dark blue
Favorite number: uhhhh 21?
I am: American
Favorite TBT Member: ties beetween everyone in the line group
Favorite staff member: dont really have one
Favorite place in the world: home
I want to visit: Italy, Spain, England, Canada, a lot of places haha.
Favorite word to use: rip
Hellooo everyone, my name's Isaac. I'm an artist who draws sonic and ponies mostly, but I'm working on my humans and my animal crossing slowly. I have a dA profile, with the username isaacs-collar.

Favorite color: Purple, Blue, Silver
Favorite number: 9
I am: That one nerdy artist in class the popular kids talk to just to borrow a pencil and never give it back.
Favorite TBT member: I haven't really talked to one specific person here, so I'll just say everyone!~
Favorite staff member: Same here, I haven't really talked to any staff members here.
Favorite place in the whole wide world: It's a tie between my room, the library, and Chicago.
I want to visit: England.
Favorite nickname I gave out: Potato Lord. My friends on skype call me this, because I LOVE POTATOES.
Favorite word to use: Bloody, with a british accent
Favorite thing about TBT: The community seems supportive and reassuring here. I really should start being more active here. ^^;
Favorite Video Game Character: Sonic the Hedgehog.
What I'm doing right now: Contemplating going back to bed. Long story short, a spier crawled into bed with me and I'm not sure if I killed it or not. But I'm also watching AttackingTucans and JoshJepson's Versus Let's Play of Super Maio Sunshine Rematched.

If anyone wants to chat with me on a regular basis, PM me and I'll give you my skype name. Or you can note me on dA. Those are the two places I'm at the most. Just make sure to say you're form the TBT, so I'm not scared. ^^;
Hello!~ I go by Miharu! I'm really into anime, manga, making GFX, and cosplaying!~ The easiest way to start a long convo with me is if we talk about Akatsuki no Yona, One Piece, Cosplay, Making GFX, Love Live, Yowamushi Pedal, Tate no Yuusha, and probably a few others hahaha! I'm always looking forward to making new friends! > v< Feel free to VM me if you want to chat! ; v; It's nice to meet everyone!~ <3

(I also just came back from a looonnngggg hiatus since I was super busy with work and school ; v; )
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Hey, I'm Nia!
Favorite color: Purple
Favorite number: 26/6
I am: Hungarian
Favorite TBT Member: I like everyone :3
Favorite staff member: idk
Favorite place in the world: Forests
I want to visit: I want to go everywhere, but mostly Japan, Australia and California:)
Favorite word to use: idk
Good afternoon my name is Matt im male and single and 18 years old
For more information please view my profile! :p

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Oh and I'm straight by the way

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And I don't bother with cosplay

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I don't watch much manger and anime but I watch the Simpsons and play acnl as well as pokemon
heya there everyone! i'm josh and i am straight and i love pikachu and gal?axy cat...i was born in denver colorado and wan't to move back so 14 and awesome...
Hi, This thread is a good way to know each other. And as I am knew here, I am going to try to write a little something.

So my name is Luis, I am from France. I am 20 and studying psychology, I'll start my third year in september.

I love food, gaming and I try to find motivation to work-out lately ahah !
I am animal crossing fan but even more of the sims saga. I am actually playing to the sims 4.
I love learning about other cultures, countries, and working on langages skills. I speak english, spanish, portuguese and obviously french.

I could tell a lot more about my self, but yeaaaah I don't know haha. Maybe I am kind of shy sometimes :p
Hello, I don't really tell people stuff about myself but yea

I'm Sayge (parents didn't want me and my brother with the same name lol) and im 13 but people always ask me " How old are you? " i tell them im 13, but they always say " Oh i thought you were 21 " but it's not suprising cuz im like 5'5(ish) so yeah. I have this wierd thing with my leg from when i was 3 where I can't walk very well. It's been on and off throughout the years but this time I've had it for about a year and ahalf straight. I have to walk with a cane mostly and that really sucks cuz i hate bringing it with me. but sometimes i really can't walk so i use a wheelchair and i hate not walking cuz that is really junk. I like to play computer games (mmos aka swtor n stuff) but I can't really play for like a long time cuz sitting down for awhile hurts. the doctors say its arthritis( idk how to spell it lol) And others say it has something to do with my tendons but yeah thats pretty much me. I like playing the guitar and sometimes i like to draw. I have almost no irl friends mostly. I don't really know what else to putinhere but this is pretty much me. n i live in hawaii and thats pretty good oh yeah im a guy lol

i might delete this actually idk
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Hi, my name is Diana. My favorite colors are pastel blue and pastel pink. I love cats and sweets. I live with my mom, and two cats. I like to draw and play video games. I have very few friends but I honestly don't care too much. I Live in New York.

And I can't think of much else.