[Guide] Cycling & Cycling Towns ➝ (UPDATED 12/6/16)

Hey there! I was hoping if you could help me with something relating to cycling!

Two weeks ago, I started up a cycling town to find my dreamies faster. I've used your cycling methods and it has been incredibly helpful. However, there are two villagers in my cycling town that would refuse to move out (Tammi and Pashmina). Even after around 500+ cycles, they are still there. It doesn't help that Pashmina in particular is a dreamie of mine and I've been very excited to get her. It might also be worth mentioning that I have talked to both more than one time.

So what can I do to move them out? Should I just rely on luck or would I have to do something so that they can move out quicker?
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Hey there! I was hoping if you could help me with something relating to cycling!

Two weeks ago, I started up a cycling town to find my dreamies faster. I've used your cycling methods and it has been incredibly helpful. However, there are two villagers in my cycling town that would refuse to move out (Tammi and Pashmina). Even after around 500+ cycles, they are still there. It doesn't help that Pashmina in particular is a dreamie of mine and I've been very excited to get her. It might also be worth mentioning that I have talked to both more than one time.

So what can I do to move them out? Should I just rely on luck or would I have to do something so that they can move out quicker?
i'm so sorry, i didn't even see this until right now D:
anyways, there's a bit in the guide about this problem -- i refer to them as "anchored" villagers, and it's super common for this to happen while cycling. i've yet to find a reason why it happens, but it's fairly easy to fix. you just need to change your boxes day, and play the game more or less as you would a regular town until you either get a ping from someone about leaving, or isabelle tells you someone is leaving. then you just pick up cycling using the foolproof method, and the anchored villager(s) should move out after awhile.

the section in the guide goes into more detail, so i'll quote it for you here that way you don't have to go back and read through all the other stuff:

Crash said:
what if a villager refuses to move out even after 50-100+ cycles?
i have actually encountered this problem a bunch of times before, and it's very frustrating. if you have a villager
that refuses to move out after countless cycles, (it could be anyone, a starter or a random move-in) there is a fairly
simple fix for it. to begin cycling in the first place, you have to have a villager in boxes. the date they are in boxes
is considered your "boxes day"; the day all villagers go into boxes while you cycle back and forth from that day.

here's an example, if you're unclear and/or i'm doing a terrible job of explaining ➝
marshal is in boxes on january 10th, 2016. to begin cycling using the method above, you will TT back to january
5th, 2015. save & quit. then you TT to january 5th, 2016. save & quit. you then TT back to january 10th, 2016, and
you have a new villager in boxes. that makes january 10th, 2016 your "boxes day", as you will constantly be going
to and from this day as you cycle. if you TT to any day before or after your "boxes day" it will mess up your cycling.

now, back on topic. if you've been cycling for awhile, you may notice that you can't get rid of a certain villager.
even though you don't talk to them, this one specific villager refuses to move, even when all eight other villagers
in town have changed multiple times. this is because, for some reason, the game apparently cements at least
one villager in town after awhile. this may happen to you right away with one of your starters, or this may not
happen until months into your cycling. i've experimented with a lot of ways to try and get them to move, but
i've found there is only one guaranteed way. you'll have to break the cycle and change your box day.
to do so, you'll need to essentially go back to playing the game the normal way, by TT'ing day by day until you
get a ping from a mover -- or just a notification from isabelle that someone is moving. it doesn't matter who the
mover is; the "anchored" villager should still move eventually once you begin cycling again from a new box day.
to do this, begin TT'ing day by day on your SECOND LOAD of the game during cycling. why? because this
is when a ninth villager is due to move in the following day. if you begin tt'ing day by day on the first or third load
of your cycling, you'll have to TT even longer until that ninth villager randomly moves in, so that another can leave.
i'm so sorry, i didn't even see this until right now D:
anyways, there's a bit in the guide about this problem -- i refer to them as "anchored" villagers, and it's super common for this to happen while cycling. i've yet to find a reason why it happens, but it's fairly easy to fix. you just need to change your boxes day, and play the game more or less as you would a regular town until you either get a ping from someone about leaving, or isabelle tells you someone is leaving. then you just pick up cycling using the foolproof method, and the anchored villager(s) should move out after awhile.

the section in the guide goes into more detail, so i'll quote it for you here that way you don't have to go back and read through all the other stuff:

Thank you so much! Tammi and Pashmina are finally leaving. I'll be sure to keep this in mind next time I get an anchored villager. Thanks again! ;u;
I just started a cycling town and learned a bunch of things I didn't know from this thread right now, thanks so much!
This thread is incredible! I bought a second copy of the game just to have a cycling town, but I've been too anxious to start it. After reading this thread, I have the confidence to start cycling!
This thread is incredible! I bought a second copy of the game just to have a cycling town, but I've been too anxious to start it. After reading this thread, I have the confidence to start cycling!
thank you so much for being so kind! enjoy your cycling! ♥️