Hair Length

How long is your hair?

  • Bald

    Votes: 1 1.1%
  • Short

    Votes: 25 27.2%
  • Medium

    Votes: 34 37.0%
  • Long

    Votes: 32 34.8%

  • Total voters
I’m guessing medium-ish? It was very long a couple weeks ago (probably down to my lower back) and I got so upset at it that I just chopped some off lol so now it’s probably about mid back. honestly wouldn’t mind it being shorter or shoulder length, but I’ve always had long ish hair so I don’t know if I’m ready to commit to it being that short.
I don't like having it all cut off, but I also don't want to manage long hair anymore. I think my 'limitation' is if I take a shower and feel stressed about my hair being all over the place.

Generally, I don't like the texture of wet hair touching the back of my neck. I'll go as far to grab a pair of scissors to clip any hair that starts to annoy me around the neck.
Currently my hair is down to my hips. I usually like it at maybe waist length? When I get it cut, it's generally cut at around mid-back length.
I've been growing my hair out for a long time now, it's about down to my lower back. Every asks when I'm going to cut it, says that I should donate it, etc. or otherwise "do something with it." Didn't realize all other people have spent the time and care to grow my hair for me and that they got a say in what I do with it. (Before anyone says anything, I don't have anything against donating my hair and I do eventually plan on donating it but I'm not growing out for the purpose of donating it. That time will come when it comes, but it's certainly not for a while.) I do get a good deal of compliments for it as well however and it always makes me happy when people comment on it without the judgement or whatever.
it's pretty long, i need to get it trimmed so the split ends are gone. i do really like it long tho.
It's short. It used to be long in Middle/High school but it's much easier to maintain. My hair hasn't been too great the past few years.
I consider my hair to be medium-length (especially compared to how long it’s been in the past), but it’s close to being long! It goes past my shoulders, and down to about where my collarbones are. Other people would probably consider my hair to be long already, but again, compared to how long it’s been in the past, my hair feels and looks more medium-length to me.

My hair used to be so long that it reached the middle of my back. I liked having hair that long, but it was hard for me to maintain and take care of, especially with how frequent depressive and low-energy episodes are for me, so I don’t think I’ll ever have my hair that long again. I’m content with my hair length now, especially since it’s finally long enough again for me to put it in a proper ponytail! My hair’s also easier for me to take care of at this length!

If I can help it, I’ll never have hair that’s shorter than medium-length again. I’m not confident at all when I have short hair, and I just don’t have the facial shape to pull short hair off. The shortest I’m comfortable ever having my hair again is shoulder-length.
Mine is about elbow length. I got 2-3” cut like, a month ago, and I was like nooo it’s too short now 😭 even though I’m the one who said to cut that much ha. I’ll just be trimming the ends from here on out
I recently went from medium length hair back to a pixie cut. I have super thick wavyish hair that's just hard to take care of and never looks the way I want it to. I had a pixie for about 7 years before growing it out, had the longer hair for almost a year, and went right back. I don't think I'll make that mistake again.
i have short hair! i get it cut to my chin and let to grow out until it’s an inch or two above my shoulders. i had long hair for my whole life but decided to try cutting it around 2 years ago. i get so many compliments lol, people just tell me it suits me more.
i'm recovering from a spur of the moment head shaving moment, so my hair is pretty short right now. it used to reach the middle of my ears but i bleached it all the time, then i dyed it black, and i wanted a fresh start. everyone has lots of opinions on my hair, but i'm kind of a free spirit when it comes to it. i don't mind having super long hair one day and then a buzz cut the next. i have really thick hair too, so the shorter styles are really refreshing sometimes too
My hair is medium. It is a little past my shoulders. I sometimes cut it short, but I prefer it long enough to put in a pony tail.
RN my hair is right at shoulder length but about a month ago I cut off around 13 inches!!!!
My hair is short. I think it looks better on me than long hair since I'm relatively short compared to others around my age, though I'd love to get a buzz cut like when I was a kid.
Currently very long, past my waist, which is my preferred length as I’ve never really suited short hair but most of the time I have it at a medium length (actually getting it cut on Thursday) as I find it easier to look after and maintain.
i guess it's medium length? it used to be a lot longer but i chopped it off and my hair's been slowly growing out since so it's just past my shoulders now
i do miss my longer hair but man was it a pain to tie up 😖
Mine is medium right now. Basic cut and no bangs. I did have bangs for most of my life.
I tend to cut it short (my idea of short anyway) and let it grow until I'm sick of it (long) then cut it again. The shortest it gets anymore is above the shoulders.
However, as I'm getting older the idea of real short hair does appeal to me more. Cooler, easier to deal with, and lack of long hair appearing around the house.. but I'd have to get a hair cut often to keep its shape..
but with longer hair you can tie it out of your way however I shed (I guess not everyone does?) and it causes hair to be different lengths so..

I did have a real short hair cut once in high school. It was like a longer pixie cut and I gelled up the back of it. Not sure I would go for that specific one again.. but maybe some other one later. It was easy to deal with the hair, but annoying listening to, people..

Idk. I'm thinking pretty much practical with real short hair and not what is really liked or socially acceptable in my area.