If the April Fools' timer prank counts, then yes, otherwise I just have an infraction from telling someone to move their thread to the VTP rather than reporting it instead.
Haven't been banned, but I got an infraction a couple of weeks after joining for mini-modding. I'm surprised I didn't get more infractions from other posts I've made in the past.
I've never been banned, and surprisingly, in the nearly 4 years I've been on here, I've never gotten an infraction or warning either (unless it was a long time ago and I don't remember it).
Haven't been banned though I've gotten two warnings for ****posting. 99% of what I post is relevant to the thread but on those rare occasions I do it the mods always seem to see it. I actively try not to anymore.
The only way you get banned is if you try really, really hard. There are some users here who continuously spew garbage and I keep wondering when the mods will finally drop the hammer. You'd think the mods would realize when they are locking threads created by the same person over and over again, but they rarely do anything about it.