I have never broken any bones before so I am very thankful. All of my friends have though.... I am happy that I havent! Though I am probably no where near as old as all of you but I hope to never break any and I am going strong! My brother almost broke his toe though when we were at the pool
I broke my leg when I was about 2. My parents had some ikea boxes stacked up and I was standing on top of them then my brother pushed me off. I personally don't remember it but my mom does.
I Have Not Broken Any Bones,However There Was One Time That I Thought That I May Have. I Was Walking Home From School And I Decided That Running Home Was A Good Idea. I Tripped, Fell Straight On My Lower Jaw.(Get This) I Kept Running All The Way Home And Ran Straight To My Bathroom, It Was Numb When I Fell But When I Was In The Bathroom, It Felt Incredibly Painful.When i Looked At My Jaw,It Was Completely Destroyed
(not really) And My Mom's Solution was "Slap A Band-Aid On it".
Im Completely Fine Though, I Just Have A Horrible Scar Under My Lip.
yes, ive broken my left arm twice and ive also broken my right femur (which is apparently the strongest bone in your body ha). hopefully im done breaking bones
as a kid in school, i ran down a billion flights of stairs, and on the last decided to walk the rest in a regular slow pace. on the very last step, i twisted and broke my ankle.
When I was a little over 3 I broke my elbow by jumping on the bed. My parents have told me that they told me to get down and not jump on the bed because I’d break something but clearly didn’t care lmao. Then around the same time (a little further down fhe line), my babysitter twisted my arm and broke it.
no, somehow never! even though as a kid i always kind of wanted to just so that i could have a cast and/or crutches. i don't think it would've been as fun as i thought lmao
i've also been pretty lucky with never really spraining anything either, although i did manage to do some kind of damage to my knee a month or so ago that had me limping everywhere for a good couple days