Have you ever broken your phone?

I broke the screen of my phone in the parking lot of my doctor's office while I was waiting to be picked up. And I went to a mall in Toronto called Pacific Mall that is very popular for fixing these things but not with official parts. I didn't know what a shotty job they would do. They "fixed" it, but within a few days the screen they used was separating from the device unfortunately. But then on a whim I took it to Apple and lied to a Genius Bar rep saying it was Apple's screen that was defective and they fixed it for free lmao
No actually. I'm pretty careful with most things.

I did have a close call once though. I got off a city bus and my phone must have fallen out of my pocket somehow. Thankfully the person who found it was able to call my friend back who had been trying to call it for me.

When I got it back it only had minor cosmetic damage thankfully. Just a dent in the aluminum on the one corner. My screen protector was cracked too but the actual phone screen underneath was perfectly fine.
My phones have broken from long time use more than me dropping them. I had my first phone for years then it started messing up big time (would only show phone numbers rather than contacts etc). I’ve had my current phone for about 4 years and thankfully it hasn’t done anything too wacky yet.
technically, yes. i've had my current phone since mid-2016, and it's broken but fully functioning. when i was on holiday, my dad accidentally nudged it out of my hand. it bounced off the edge of the curb and now there's a crack across the top left corner, but you can't really see it. some time later, i dropped it on concrete while out shopping, and the glass back smashed near the top. i got a raised case for it after that. thankfully, samsung phones seem to be made of stronger stuff because i dropped it several times before those incidents -- it even bounced off the edge of a brick wall screen-first once -- and survived undamaged.
my first phone was the iphone 4 and 2 weeks after getting it i accidentally left it in my pants pocket and washed it lmao
No. I'm overly careful with expensive items especially ones that I take out and about with me like my phone. I always make sure when it's my bag that the screen is facing away from anything in other pockets as I somehow got a hairline scratch on the screen of my old phone and it continually bugged me even though it was only visible from certain angles. 😂
The only time I replace my phone is when it's broken or getting too old. Not just because I feel like it. So yep, usually something happens to my phone every few years.
my last iphone's audio started to increase and decrease whenever it wanted to as i somehow eroded the headphone jack(?)
I have, but it wasn't really my fault. It was 6 years ago I think, and I was just playing Pokemon Go and suddenly my phone shuts off and will not turn back on no matter how long I charge it.