Have you ever broken your phone?

Broken 1 and lost 2 (not including cracked screens - I cracked the screens on the 2 I lost before losing them) I don't think I've ever got a new phone for any other reason honestly.
The one I broke - I was paddling in the sea with my ipod in one pocket and my phone in the other. My ipod dropped from my pocket and in trying to save it I dropped my phone into the sea as well. Both of them died 😅
The ones I've lost are for more brain foggy/forgetful reasons rather than active clumsiness 😭 At least now my ipad can help me find my phone 🤡
I've cracked the screens on two phones. I haven't gotten a crack on my current one yet. I never lost or completely broken a phone either.
At the school volleyball game, I bumped into my gym teacher, causing my iphone six to go flying, and then it was accidentally stepped on. $200 screen repair at the Apple store - not too bad, quite a few cracks running along the surface but it hadn’t been hit by a hammer.
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Not yet, but I have cracked my fair share of cheap screen protectors. Those things just can't handle being dropped.
Other than a couple very superficial scratches and a dead headphone jack (after like 4 years), I haven’t really damaged my phone. My dad gives everyone in the family Otterboxes with our phones as a precaution. I can’t tell you how many times I’ve dropped my phone and I’ve never had any shattered screens!
I personally have not broken my phone before, but I know my sister has a couple of times. xD
When I stood up from the toilet my phone slipped out of my pocket straight into the toilet and that was it... They were loose comfy pants you'd wear at home so the phone didn't sit tightly in the pocket. This happened around June 2020, what an amazing way to enhance an amazing year. 🙃
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I've broken more Nintendo related handhelds than I have phones--like my 2DS, which I had to replace about 2 or 3 (?) times before I decided to just learn how to make repairs myself. One drop and it was pretty much dead, not to mention the joycon kept breaking whenever I played Smash Bros. or Mario Kart.

The first phone I ever had broke because I went crazy with downloads and got a virus ; _ ;

My second phone died because it fell in water

And my 3rd phone broke from trying to sanitize it

Other than that they've survived some pretty nasty falls.
I threw my old flip phone at my mom one time and she didnt catch it, it fell to the floor and broke in half.
No, surprisingly not! I buy cases specifically to try and keep them in tact though, so that helps.
Honestly, I've dropped my iphone so many times and also dropped it in water one of those times...and it still is working thankfully lol with no cracks.

I haven't had a phone break specifically yet from those things. I did have a blackberry back in the day which had constant issues and had to be sent back to be fixed or swapped out. However, I swear...I didn't drop that one lol.
No but I spilt water all over my macbook a couple years ago. It was severely water damaged, wouldn't even turn on; got it checked out at a cheap repair shop in the city centre but after two weeks of no progress I realised the chap hadn't a clue what he was doing and expected me to still pay the fee, ha no chance! I'm now left with a macbook that doesn't charge or turn on, and a second hand one that I bought immediately after the damage that I'm still using to this day. I'd hate to think how much Apple would charge me for the repairs.
i tend to be in a bad mood a lot and once i was really annoyed and stupidly threw my phone at my bag but i had one of those 3d gel phone cases and my phone bounced off my bag and straight up fell down 3 flights of stairs, it didn't break though

however i was sat on the floor once and i was angry at something idk, then i threw my phone at the floor and it fully smashed despite being closer to the ground
so basically i am super careless and although i don't act stupid like that anymore, i'm still pretty clumsy and probably shouldn't own a phone 😅
Never broke my phone, but a week or two ago I dropped mine into a bowl of cereal. It wouldn't charge for a day. Luckily, it survived and I'm using it right now!
one time when i was a wee high school freshman i was rushing to take a picture of a really cool sunset and well i forgot the specifics exactly but i think my best friend and i were both trying to hold the phone to take that picture and it slipped and fell onto the ground real hard :( the like,, pixels on the screen got all wonky and i think my friend felt really bad about it even after i told her it was okay huhu

and that's why you shouldn't run with your phone kids
Nope! I’ve always taken great care of them, and have been conscious of grip/location because I didn’t want to have to spend money to fix or replace them. I’ve had one close call: I was filling the bath, bumped into something, and almost threw it into the water. 🙈