Have you ever converted a non AC fan into liking the game?

I'm hoping my fiance will give the game a try this time around. I honestly think he might enjoy it, if he's willing to give it a chance. I'd love to be able to hang out with him in game sometimes instead of, say, watching Netflix, which is much less interactive.

Have any of you had any positive experiences with enticing someone to play who was initially reluctant?

I'm actually hoping for the exact same thing with my boyfriend. AC is definitely not the kind of game he usually plays, but he's promised he'll give it an honest chance. Would be fun if we could play together. :)
think I got someone into the game but I forget who :p
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Not yet, but I'm trying to indoctrinate one of my best friends into the animal crossing community

Wish me luck
No. I'm actually thinking I'm scaring my friends away from AC lol. But for real, at least 2 of them said they'll get AC:NH, so I'm hoping I can do my best to get them to see the magic of AC and not get bored with the slow starting nature of the series.
I've had the opposite done to me though.
AC fans put me off playing for quite a while.
Nope, definitely did not do such a thing. It was just a conversation I brought up and it lead to very disturbing insults directed towards me.

They were pretty Rated M insults, bordering Rated R...

Well that?s just plain rude!! I will unleash the crankies, Phylis (at her worst) and Resetti on them with the help of Luna. At least you know we all already like it here. Not everyone will be like that person 👍
i managed to make two of my ex friends enjoy ac; their first experience of the game was pocket camp, which doesn’t have really any of the qualities that makes ac so good, but they loved it nonetheless and are still into ac
kinda! A good friend of mine, named Angelica. Funny story, she thought me playing it so obsessively was dumb n she?d kinda tease me for it. And not to be cliche or anything, but that all changed when chief moved into my town. She loved him lmao and would ask me to talk to him whenever she saw me play. I?m not sure if this really counts, but she changed her mind so :p
i was able to get one of my friends into NL but she hasn't played for a while so im guessing no to NH considering she doesn't have a switch lmao

i got into animal crossing from a friend actually, they introduced me to city folk and i went from there. the only one i haven't played is animal forest/the original ac for gamecube ^^

edit: i also remembered that i was able to get a couple of my friends to play PC and they really liked it but had to delete it due to it taking up a ton of their storage :(
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