Have you ever eaten an insect?

Have you ever eaten an insect?

  • Yes!!

  • No??? what

  • No but I would like to maybe idk

  • Yes but against my will unfortunately

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˚₊‧ eyes on me ‧₊˚
Aug 23, 2015
Throwback Tickets
I love silly questions. If you have a phobia for insects, please look away 😭

I took entomology during my senior year in college and had a professor who has been an entomologist for years. One time he was advertising these insect chips which were apparently fried insects?? or insect shells?? I forgot what they were but they were definitely insect something. It tasted like regular chips LOL it was actually pretty good.

We also have this specific ant egg dish my family sometimes cooks, I never tried it but my dad likes it a lot. Idk if I wanna try it LOL.
I can't picture an ant egg dish? I wanna google it, but do I really wanna know, lol.

I ate those little roly poly bugs a few times (when I was like, 5, not recently!). No idea why. I only ate them rolled up, though. My family still makes the jokes, always the jokes.

But I've never actually cooked using insects as the main ingredient. I guess some food has insect ingredients we don't know about. And cricket powder is a thing.
Yes, I have tried ants before. I can't remember what they tasted like but I can only remember that they were crunchy.
No I never ate insects before. Maybe in my sleep lmao. Then again I would not try them for various reasons.
i think this would be the one thing i wouldn’t be able to eat 😭 i can stomach things like balut and i’m down to eat cactus sometime, but bugs will always be an immediate no !
I haven’t tried any, but it sounds like it’d be fun. What would they taste like, though? That’s what I want to know.
that’s a big no for me, at least not intentionally. It’s possible I’ve eaten an insect or two while im asleep. but yeah, I don’t even like the sight of bugs so the thought of eating one just makes me want to gag.
Never. I'm even terrified of those lollipops with the insects inside. I could never.
Absolutely not. If I did it was while I was asleep. Just touching bugs freaks me out so I can’t imagine ever eating one.
yes just to satisfy a curiosity. my friend and i got a variety pack of dried bugs. here to report that dried bugs are very bitter and would not recommend unless you hide those bad boys in copious amounts of seasoning and texture.
Nothing fancy, several black flies accidentally while riding my bike or running and a large spider when I was a baby, I'm so glad I don't remember that one.
Yes, because I am a big dummy and thought the fancy alcoholic drink with a 'black ant salt rim' had nothing to do with actual ants. They were crushed into the salt mix, so it's not like I could tell, but I did feel squicky afterwards.

I have no interest in trying any other bugs, and would only do so in a survival situation.
Yes but I was like 2 or 3 and I blame cartoons for that lol. It was tiny ants and they pinched btw.

No interest in eating bugs here. 🤮
I be looking for plants and a stray rabbit or song bird nest thanks.
Nope, or at least definitely hope I haven’t but don’t remember ever eating any when I was very young. I’m not very good with bugs and have a fear of quite a few so generally avoid them when I can.