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Have you ever met a celebrity?


Dec 10, 2011
Throwback Tickets
Black Famous Mushroom
White Rose
White Rose
White Rose
White Rose
White Rose
I'm not sure whether this question has ever come up before but I'm just curious to know whether any of you guys have ever met a celebrity. It would be quite interesting to hear your experiences too:blush:
Sure havn't. There are a couple I would like to meet though, who I admire their work. Other than that I find there is way to much obsession with celebrities. The majority of today's "stars" are overpaid and overdone with plastic surgery.

Semi-off topic.... I am so peeved they cast Meagan Fox as April O'Neil for the Ninja turtles. I grew up with Ninja turtles and while Meagan Fox is a very pretty girl, April O'Neil was a Busty short haired red-head.....not a skinny long haired brunette.....
My mother has told me several times of when she was in a mall in the Chicago area, I think it was the Schaumburg mall? Not to sure, and she had seen Priscilla Presley. She only seen her from a distance, though this was in the 80's, I believe.
They aren't really "celebrities", but I met the band Yellowcard before.
They were really cool!

I almost got to meet Lady Gaga, but her show was cancelled 2 days before I was supposed to go :( I had backstage tix. Such a bummer.

James Morrision right here, he's an Australian Jazz Musican so yeah. I gave him a handshake and I got his autograph too.

On a better scale, one of my guy friends went to a Guy Sebastian concert, and my friend was waiting back-stage with a bunch of girls for Guy's auto-graph. When Guy came in and saw the girls surrounding my friend Guy went to him and said "Ey, you the new Justin Beiber?" or something like that and my friend was like "What?".
They ended up having a good conversation though and I think my friend got Guy's auto-graph too.
I've met Richard Kiel, he played Jaws in James Bond films. He is so tall and his hands are huge, which was such a shock to me as i'm 6ft 5" so meeting people taller then myself is very rare!

I've also met a few WWE wrestlers while i was doing work experience as a broadcasting support technician.

I met, HHH, Big Show, Kane(such a nice dude, he got me a coffee xD) Mark Henry(powerful handshake!) Wade Barret and CM Punk.

There were lots more but these are the ones i remember off of the top of my head.
i met james cordon but i dont like james cordon so im kind of neutral about the whole experience (  ゚,_ゝ゚)
My parents and my dog met Stephen Fry at Aldebrugh (Seaside town in Suffolk), he even petted our dog and called him a 'lovely dog'... I was at school that day unfortunately :(

Whenever I go somewhere for a day trip or holiday I always miss the celebrities, Matt Smith went to the Doctor Who Experience Experience in London the day after I went... It's like I'm a magnet and I'm repelling the similarly charged celebrities!
I would also have liked to meet Akira Kurosawa or Stanley Kubrick. That is, if they were still alive today.
Depending on your definition of celebrities, I've met quite a few in my life. I go to lots of Christian concert events where the bands sign autographs afterwards, so I've met bands like Remedy Drive and Tenth Avenue North through that. Besides musicians, I met actress Shirley Jones. She was at a restaurant we were eating at and she said me and my brother were cute kids (this was, like, 10 years ago) Oh, and I'm meeting Skillet in 24 days, so that's something :p
I've met a few afl players before. They'e only famous in Australia but I reckon it still counts.
I have never met any celebrities, but I'd love to meet my inspiration, Amanda Bynes. :)

Disney sweetheart Amanda Bynes, or in need of an intervention Amanda Bynes?

- - - Post Merge - - -

I've met the members of my favorite band, Travis, a few times. But this isn't all about them!

After one of their shows (Detroit, 2007) I had finally met their lead singer, Fran, after trying for YEARS to meet him and get him to sign an LP all the others had signed. After I met him and got his autograph, I saw Nigel Godrich standing off to the side in the parking lot.

Who? He produced OK Computer for Radiohead, The Man Who for Travis, Mutations for Beck, etc etc. The man is a genius. A frickin' genius. I was feeling emboldened, so I went up to him and said "Hi, are you Nigel Godrich?" And he was like "Um, yes." And I said, my hand to God, "CAN I SHAKE YOUR HAND BECAUSE I THINK YOU'RE A GENIIUS!?!?!" Amazingly, he did! And he was nice to me, and chatted with me for like 10 minutes. He even asked me questions like "So, what do you do?" and stuff. Who CARES what I do, dude! Let's talk about YOU! After a few mins my friends came out and we all started to talk. One friend said quietly to another friend, "I'm thirsty, do you have water?" The other friend said no. Nigel then excused himself and we were like "Ok, well, that was FREAKING AWESOME!" and we assumed that was that.

A minute later Nigel came back out with cold waters for all of us. He wasn't even asked, he just overheard my friend say that and did it to be nice. We saw him again at the next tour stop (yes, because we're the kind of crazy fans that follow bands on tour -- or at least we were until we grew up and had to get jobs) and he remembered us and chatted with us again and everything. He was SO. NICE. Now he's working with Thom Yorke on a band called Atoms for Peace.

Also, I once ran up to Paul Newman and took a picture of him without asking for his permission. I still feel rude about that. But I was, like, 16 and didn't know anything about manners apparently. >_<
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Most of my celebrity meetings have been at conventions. I know a couple of people personally but eh...
I would have liked to meet Paul Newman.

Bern Nadette Stanis stayed at my hotel once (she played the younger sister on Goodtimes)
I bought her a 7-up because she was sick.

My cousin met Jimmy Buffett and had drinks with him on his plane.