Help me NOT hate all of the Uchi villager designs?


Quarantine, amIright folks?
Dec 31, 2014
Hi everyone!
I am struggling hard with finding an Uchi that I can stand to go for on my island. I had thought that Frita might be fun to have because she's essentially a fast food menu rolled up into one character, but I've just run into her on a mystery island and she isn't as charming as I'd anticipated. haha I'm not quite sold!

Does anyone just love the Uchis? If so- help me see some of them in a different light?
Or should I just skip having one on my island at all?

Thanks guys!
I only like a few, Reneigh, Mira, Phoebe, and Frita.
Luckily I started with Reneigh.
I love Shari. She has a very natural and soft color scheme, and is also very sweet. Some of the other uchis (looking at you, Diva) give me a lot of attitude, but I've never had that issue with Shari.
I got pashmina’s amiibo so I invited her to my town. I didn’t like her as much as I thought I would so i’m gonna try and get my og new leaf uchi Fuschia :)
Mira looks like a scifi superhero bunny and she also resembles sailor venus!!

also, hazel to me is one of the most likeable uchis. her light pink cheeks are adorable!
katt is a rockstar and her new render in this game made me fall in love with her when i was visiting her on a friends island.
and renee is incredible.
Well, I can see why people might find Mira's design unappealing but personally I absolutely love that she's a superhero and (at least in NL, never seen her house in NH) has a somewhat space-themed house! I also adore Phoebe because she's an ostrich who's actually a phoenix and what's not awesome about that? I also find Ursala to be super cute, she has a soft pastel color scheme and is just very sweet. Reneigh was one of my starting villagers and very quickly grew on me. If you truly don't like any of the uchi designs you don't have to have one, though!
Hmm okay! This is definitely what I needed to see!
That there are things to love about Uchis 😂
Reneigh is super cute... and Shari or Mira might be growing on me..

I had Flo as my starter Uchi and could not STAND her haha
Well, I can see why people might find Mira's design unappealing but personally I absolutely love that she's a superhero and (at least in NL, never seen her house in NH) has a somewhat space-themed house! I also adore Phoebe because she's an ostrich who's actually a phoenix and what's not awesome about that? I also find Ursala to be super cute, she has a soft pastel color scheme and is just very sweet. Reneigh was one of my starting villagers and very quickly grew on me. If you truly don't like any of the uchi designs you don't have to have one, though!
in this game she has a bunch of like.... dinosaur stands and chairs facing them and thats literally it doisxjkfsd i dont understand it and its SO weird but i respect her for loving dinosaurs i guess???
in this game she has a bunch of like.... dinosaur stands and chairs facing them and thats literally it doisxjkfsd i dont understand it and its SO weird but i respect her for loving dinosaurs i guess???
askjfahskfs that's actually so weird and if i put her on my island with my amiibo card i'm gonna have to give her some new furniture because like?? how does that fit her?? i get that the astro set probably isn't in this game from what i've seen but dinosaurs? lol i love her regardless though, i've thought she was super cute from the second i saw her and i've had her in my space-themed NL town for years!