Help me NOT hate all of the Uchi villager designs?

I didn't like them at first but they've grown on me. I've liked Mira, Fuchsia, Muffy, Deirdre, Rocket, and Reneigh. I booted Fuchsia and Rocket because I hate pink houses though. I might bring them back eventually and hide the houses behind some trees. Deirdre and Reneigh look natural and have nice houses. Muffy is great for gothic. Mira is kind of a bright yellow color but like others have mentioned, she looks like a Sailor Scout. Her house is pretty normal looking compared to Kid Cat's which is bright red (and didn't blend on my island, although I liked him).
The only one that stood out to me is Cherry. She's a Sisterly Dog villager and she is probably one of the better ones out there. So I would recommend going for her. She is hard to find so be on the look out if you ever find her on your campsite or hunting on nook mile islands.
I have phobe and love her, my hubby has fuschia and loves her.
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I'm a big fan of Reneigh. She has beautiful coloring, a cool hairstyle, and her house is nice!

Also love Agnes. She has lovely black fur and pink ears, very cute! I am not as into her house (I prefer her New Leaf house) but IMHO she is best pig.
Frita: She's a sheep, her fleece is made out of fries, she has a fricken potato for a head, a burger for hair and ketchup and mustard as her horns.
Muffy: she a goth big sister.

(I love them both and think they're both sisters somehow)
The thing I hate is how few Sisterly villagers there are! There are 71 Normal villagers, 65 Peppy villagers, and 65 Snooty villagers, but only 24 Sisterly villagers. They couldn't have divided those more evenly?
Some day, we'll get a new good looking Uchi, and then it will be Raymond all over again. It's too bad Ankha turned out to be snooty. I think her design would work well as Uchi.

I'm seeing few users mentioning Phoebe. Interesting. I got her on my new island as the starting Uchi. I guess I'll have to find her a new loving home when I kick her out some day.
I'll be honest I'm not a massive fan of uchis, but I've had Pashmina on my island for a while and I think she's really sweet! and her house interior is a retro diner which gives her bonus points I reckon. Agnes also seems very sweet, I'll probably get her when Pashmina moves out. oh and I had Ursala for a while and I grew to absolutely adore her! I did let her go eventually but she was so lovely
Most of them seem to be deliberately designed in a way that makes them the odd one out, with strange colours and excessive amounts of makeup/piercings etc. Personally I can appreciate having some less normal/bland villagers, but I can see why people would have a hard time picking or warming up to them (and why the most popular sisterlies are mainly the most regular looking ones).

I started out with Tammy on my island, she was alright. I eventually let her go because I disliked her starter home and wanted new residents, I went a while without a sisterly after that. After a while I got Ursala from my campsite, I do like her and as a bear, her size does complement her more mature attitude. 😄
I realize this original thread is so old that the OP no longer cares, but I could not resist weighing in on one of my favorite personality types and design groups.

I think the sisterly villagers have some very interesting and unique designs, and the personality is so fun!

Except for Mira and Rocket, I pretty much think they are all excellent in their own ways.

My favorites are: Agnes, Reneigh, Deirdre, Ursala, Muffy, Charlise, Shari, Fuchsia, Pashmina, Renee

others I think are great who I either haven’t seen enough to decide on, don’t fit my personal aesthetic, or didn’t click for me - Phoebe, Flo, Tammy, Frita, Paula, Hazel,

growing on me - diva, katt, Canberra, plucky, cherry

doesn’t work for me cause I can’t deal with the kangaroos - Sylvia, who I think otherwise is all right.

No, never - rocket and Mira

I hope they add more sisterly villagers and don’t tone the style down at all! I would love for there to be a sisterly hamster, because I just love the hamsters. I think a duck would also be great as a sisterly villager. A tiger might be nice to have too. And though I don’t like them much as a species, I feel like people would love a wolf villager.

There definitely are too few, which I think contributes to the sense of the designs being worse. People’s taste are so varied that with a group of 71 different designs, more people are sure to be able to find at least one or two they like, as opposed to a group only about 1/3 the size.
Welp, Uchi is the only personality I'm missing in my island and I don't ever plan to bring one.

I brought Deirdre some time ago in order to get the sisterly special reaction, and kicked her out afterwards.
She's the least hideous out of the bunch, but still, not good enough to be a dreamy to me.

I just hope they will give us more sisterly villagers in the future that are better designed. 🙃
I don’t have any uchis on my island but design wise I think some good ones are Cherry, really like the colouring plus dog villagers are always very sweet, Reneigh, one of the better horse villagers, and Agnes who I really like the design of with the white spots around her eyes and the big eyelashes. I agree with others though that the game is very lacking in uchi villagers.

I had Flo as my starter too and couldn’t warm to her which was a shame as I love penguins but hopefully you’ll be able to fall in love with one of the other uchi villagers.