Help me NOT hate all of the Uchi villager designs?

I adore Muffy! Fluffy gothic lolita sheep who looks so fancy and elegant, but acts like a tomboy 🖤
She gets a lot of hate, but I think Muffy is cute! She’s got that gothic lolita vibe going on. Though I don’t like what she’s now wearing in NH. Also Phoebe, as already mentioned.
Agnes or Cherry. Reneigh if you're a furry.
Although any uchi besides Diva would be a good choice.
I absolutely love Plucky! I didn't know how to feel about her when I started my island, but she's adorable and grew on me a ton! :D
I personally like kat but I know a lot fin people find her design unappealing
my personal favorites are fuchsia and hazel! fuchsia i had in new leaf and she's just gorgeous and hot pink and awesome with her piercings. she's just the definition of a cool girl. and hazel i haven't had yet but i've met her on two friends' islands and she's just the cutest thing i've ever seen ;~; uniwow
I have Cherry and Muffy in my island. Cherry is my starter uchi, and I originally didn't want her until my boyfriend told me to give her a chance. I do not regret it. HOWEVER, I frigging hate her house decor, specially in NL her decor used to be soooo much better and it fit her aesthetic, now her house looks like a bad version of Bob's house. Muffy, is my all time favorite dreamie. I have her in NL, and she got me through some tough times, so once I started NH, I made it my mission to find her through island hopping, until a very nice and sweet person gave her to me for free :). I do not get the Muffy hate. People say that she looks ugly in NH, and I just don't see it. I do miss her scarf look from NL tho...
I only really like Deirdre so I feel you. There are a few others I kind of like, but I have Plucky and Deirdre right now and Plucky gots to go.
I happen to really like how Tammy interacts with Smug villagers, quite sassy.
I love Uchi villagers! They care so much and Fuschia is so cute!! She was one of my first island villagers, and she is such a good friend. She once gave me three gifts in one day, and always wants to chat. Seriously great for a video game character. Now just imagine, all the Uchi villagers are like this, just gotta find one you think is cute! Fuschia feels like my fashionable older sister!
I started out with Agnes, not my favorite at first, but I've really grown to like her! Could've started out with someone much much worse.

As far as my favorite Uchis, I like these (in no particular order):
Agnes, Phoebe, Cherry, Flo, Deirdre, Fuchsia, Ursala, Muffy, Reneigh, Shari, Mira, and Pashmina
i legit only like agnes and i even go back and forth on her. deirdre would be perfect if it weren’t for the white lips :/

edit: forgot pashmina was uchi but she’s okay too! but not like...amazing
I feel your pain. I want an Uchi really bad but urgh. I really enjoy talking to them (I think their dialogue is among the best in game) but I wish there were more options. When NH was announced I had high hopes but so far we’ve only had Reneigh added so I’m pretty disappointed.

In NL I had Fuschia and then Hazel. I really liked them both but neither seemed to fit with my other villagers aesthetically.

I’m hoping to try out Mira this time. Her design is based on Sailor Venus and I’m a HUGE Sailor Moon fan so I think it’s worth a shot.

Hopefully one day we’ll have more Uchi villagers to choose from!
Phoebe is my favorite Uchi! She’s a Phoenix (ostrich)!
I have Cherry and Muffy in my island. Cherry is my starter uchi, and I originally didn't want her until my boyfriend told me to give her a chance. I do not regret it. HOWEVER, I frigging hate her house decor, specially in NL her decor used to be soooo much better and it fit her aesthetic, now her house looks like a bad version of Bob's house. Muffy, is my all time favorite dreamie. I have her in NL, and she got me through some tough times, so once I started NH, I made it my mission to find her through island hopping, until a very nice and sweet person gave her to me for free :). I do not get the Muffy hate. People say that she looks ugly in NH, and I just don't see it. I do miss her scarf look from NL tho...
Good/bad news for you, then: that's not her real house! Your first 5 villagers always have a boring generic default house that's set for their personality--everyone's first peppy has the same super pink house with a bunk bed, for example, instead of their real house they'd have gotten later, and everyone's first jock just has terrible bland wooden stuff with a punching bag. Everyone's lazy has a dirt floor and my starter uchi, Reneigh, also has the house that looks like a bad version of Bob's. :/ One way you could fix this is by trading her to a friend and then having that friend trade her back to you, and she'd get her real interior and also still remember you.
I agree with you on Muffy, though! She's not a fave of mine but she's still pretty cute, though to be honest the sheep are one of my favorite species and imo they all got downgraded in NH by being put into shirts that look too small for them.