Help me NOT hate all of the Uchi villager designs?

Good/bad news for you, then: that's not her real house! Your first 5 villagers always have a boring generic default house that's set for their personality--everyone's first peppy has the same super pink house with a bunk bed, for example, instead of their real house they'd have gotten later, and everyone's first jock just has terrible bland wooden stuff with a punching bag. Everyone's lazy has a dirt floor and my starter uchi, Reneigh, also has the house that looks like a bad version of Bob's. :/ One way you could fix this is by trading her to a friend and then having that friend trade her back to you, and she'd get her real interior and also still remember you.
I agree with you on Muffy, though! She's not a fave of mine but she's still pretty cute, though to be honest the sheep are one of my favorite species and imo they all got downgraded in NH by being put into shirts that look too small for them.
OMG THATS WHAT I JUST FOUND OUT! I'm in the process of kicking my baby, Cherry and a friend will hold her for us.
Reneigh, Cherry, and Agnes >>>

I love uchis, they're the tomboyish bada-- that look after you, with down to earth personalities. They're one of my favorite personalities in the game, actually.

Agnes is in my NL town, and my friend started with her and I got so jealous lol. Then I start my town, and I got Cherry (who was also in my NL town), and Reneigh I adopted recently and I'm never letting go. I'm sorry man, they're just amazing.
OMG THATS WHAT I JUST FOUND OUT! I'm in the process of kicking my baby, Cherry and a friend will hold her for us.
Best of luck and I hope you like her real house much better than the default one, then! I'm hoping I can get someone to help me do the same with Reneigh and Teddy since they were my starting villagers.
Well, I can see why people might find Mira's design unappealing but personally I absolutely love that she's a superhero and (at least in NL, never seen her house in NH) has a somewhat space-themed house! I also adore Phoebe because she's an ostrich who's actually a phoenix and what's not awesome about that? I also find Ursala to be super cute, she has a soft pastel color scheme and is just very sweet. Reneigh was one of my starting villagers and very quickly grew on me. If you truly don't like any of the uchi designs you don't have to have one, though!

I always thought Mira was sailor v
I always thought Mira was sailor v
That's what I always thought too, that she was meant to be a bit of a Sailor V reference! It's another one of the reasons I love her--and am very confused by the change to her house interior in NH, lol. She has like... dinosaur stands and folding chairs and nothing else for some reason.
That's what I always thought too, that she was meant to be a bit of a Sailor V reference! It's another one of the reasons I love her--and am very confused by the change to her house interior in NH, lol. She has like... dinosaur stands and folding chairs and nothing else for some reason.
How ... strange??
Definitely prefer her a a sailor moon reference!!
How ... strange??
Definitely prefer her a a sailor moon reference!!
Yep, here's a picture I found:

It looks like she's... putting on a play, maybe? But it looks really weird imo and if I end up moving her into my island with my amiibo card I'm gonna need to try giving her some different furniture!
Yep, here's a picture I found:
View attachment 236779
It looks like she's... putting on a play, maybe? But it looks really weird imo and if I end up moving her into my island with my amiibo card I'm gonna need to try giving her some different furniture!

mhmm yeah that looks odd
Definitely change out her furniture
The one I like is probably not the most popular at all but I actually love Katt - she's one of my favorite villagers.
I think she fits this personality so well - kinda mean, kinda goofy, not all that great looking (to me that's the appeal of the Uchis, at. least).

I also like Hazel (currently on my Island), Frita, Plucky (I think she's the best chicken villager) and Shari.
I really like Mira, Agnes, and Shari myself! I got Fuchsia as my starting Uchi/Sisterly this time and she's been growing on me, before this game I didn't like her color scheme much but now I don't mind, maybe some things were changed with the updated graphics. (Still going to let her go though so she can get her proper furniture on somebody else's island.)
Uchi is my favorite villager personality type! I really love Renée, and her house interior is very cool:

Pashmina is one of my favorites from NL and I happened to get her again on a mystery tour, and I'm moving Cherry in via amiibo card soon too. It was so tough for me to choose because I love a lot of them - Pocket Camp made me fond of Charlise and Phoebe, and I wish I had the room for Reneigh, Katt, Muffy, or Hazel too.

Part of what I like so much about uchi villagers is that they usually have one or two design details that make them look a little "weird" but I see it as a charm point. Like, I love Hazel's brow and Katt's face in general, Muffy has her goth-lolita stuff, and I love the tough/punk-ish "cool girl" vibe a lot of them have.
Plus I find their personality really endearing! They start out a little guarded and blunt, but once they get to know you, they're really sweet and protective. For example: I had a really sweet conversation with Renée recently about what my special talent is, and when I said "nothing" just to see what would happen, she said that's not true because she knows I'm good at being fun to talk to. 😭

If you're still not sure about which uchi villager to invite, you could try checking out what their house interior looks like before making a decision? If you choose someone whose style you like, maybe they'll grow on you faster.
I love Reneigh, Pashmina, and Shari. They're all very neutral and "natural" looking

I also love Fuchsia, but she's a little more out there haha
Really, it'll be hard to see the appeal of them till you befriend them :p
Personally, I love Hazel, but have also really liked Tammy and Diva