Hiking Trip (Buzzy Bees Cabin)

my autumn hike! 🍂

fall is my favorite season, so my character is going on a hike to capture the seasonal beauty in her video camera, and to put some leaves in her scrapbook (or at least, their ink prints before they inevitably crumble).

she also brought a frying pan and a camp stove to fry an egg or to warm her hands. and in case she needs a break, she brought a small mat to relax on.

her outfit is prepped against the cold, she’s wearing a scarf, a woolly hat and a thick sweater. she’s also wearing keroppi boots to keep her feet from getting muddy. her traveler’s backpack is where she carries small necessities and the occasional egg, and she’s slightly near sighted, so she’s wearing glasses :>

A Hike Among with Mountains (A Rivers)
If I was going to go hiking among the mountains and rivers, I would definitely stay for the views. I'd bring my handy backpack with all the essentials I need. I'd also bring a portable radio to listen to music although the sounds of nature can be pretty nice as well. I'd also bring a book to do some reading and pass the time. I'd probably get a lot of reading done. If I wanted to do something else, I'd also go fishing to enjoy the river there but release all fishes I caught back into nature. Lastly, comfort is needed over night, so a comfy sleeping bag will and keep me warm.

As for my outfit of choice, I decided to keep up with team spirit and wear bee themed outfits. Nothing matched more perfectly than the bee sweater and bee hat to keep warm in cooler areas and keep the sun out of my eyes. The glasses are just to go along with the outfit but I guess the offer some protection as well. I wore brown outdoor shorts and yellow slip on shoes to complete the look along with socks that will dry up quickly just incase I step in water. My outfit was carefully planned while focusing on style.
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For my hike I am bringing a machete, to cut down weeds and vines in my path, and a map so I don't get lost. I have also packed a picnic for lunch and brought my painting set because I love to paint in nature! The last hiking necessity is tissues because my seasonal allergies are bad and my nose will be runny the whole hike.

For my hike I am wearing a big hat to block the sun, a lightweight exploring outfit, and boots to protect my feet from rocks and mud!

My hiking trip wasn’t the best experience I’ve ever had to say the least...

Whilst foraging, I mistakenly grabbed a bee hive and clearly my Buzzy Bees hoodie and antennas didn’t help me blend in. A tanuki also attacked me along the way, trying to get to the food in my picnic basket + destroyed my trousers in the process.

It was getting dark so I got out my lantern and set up my tent to take a well earned rest. My belly was screaming for food so I unpacked my camp stove and got cooking! Whilst waiting, I had a read of my birdwatching guide in the hope that it’d provide some inspiration, but alas it did not.

I think it’s safe to say, neither hiking nor camping are my thing.​

I am going on a hiking trip and I will be observing birds. So I am wearing a camouflage outfit.

I bring a radio so I can listen to the news and some music. I bring of course a telescope, so I can not only watch the birds but the stars as well at night. I bring a campfire to cook food and also a kettle to boil water for a relaxing cup of tea. Finally I also bring a sleeping cot because the nights are quite warm so I don't need a sleeping bag.

Whenever I go hiking, I like to have room to relax and chill, but still come prepared. I am wearing an outdoor hat to shield my head from those pesky mosquitoes, a Boa fleece to protect my arms from the mosquitoes too, some Camo pants to protect my legs from ticks and mosquitoes, and striped tights and moccasin boots, to help me cross the muddy ppats of the mountain. Though, once I get a place to stop, I'm living life to the best as I can! I'm bringing my Nintendo switch so I can play some games, a pop-up book, so I have something to read, an alarm clock to help me get up for the next part of my hiking trip, a latern, to help me see at night so I don't get hurt, and a radio, so I can listen to the news.
And now that I have everything, this hiking trip will definitely be great!
。* . ✭ a moment alone

I was supposed to meet up with my friends at the camping site, but on my way there I got hopelessly lost. Not to mention I got my cheek scratched by a branch, so I had to use up my last emergency band-aid. Sadly it would not be a trip if I did not get both lost and injured. As night fell, I hopped off of my mountain bike and found a quiet spot behind a shrub to take shelter for the night. I had busted out my lemon umbrella since it was lightly raining, but the night was hot and the rain had felt better against my face, so I set the umbrella aside. My rain clothes were enough to keep me fairly dry anyway, I would never go anywhere in this weather without my favorite rain hat.

The picnic set I had packed got a bit wet, but it was still something to eat, so I went ahead and enjoyed my soggy sandwich while I read some magazines I had bought from a nice old lady a few miles back. I really hope my lantern doesn't die, being left in complete darkness is absolutely terrifying. Hopefully when tomorrow comes I'll be able to find my destined location, but for now I'll enjoy this moment alone.
。* . ✭. .

I usually cram all of my hair into a hood of some sorts, so this is a rare moment where I’ve decided to let my hair down and enjoy a relaxing camping trip in a thunderstom. I’ve go my futon for staying warm and cozy at night. My favorite teddy bear for when I get lonely or scared. My kettle bathtub for when I fall into a puddle. I’ve also brought my favorite lawn chair for relaxing and enjoying the view and last but not least, my coffee mug because I just can’t survive without my coffee.
🗻 climbing mount fuji 🗻


🌸 inspiration: i've slowly been doing more things that i love and are out of my comfort zone. i had a bad experience with hiking when i was 12, so i was hesitant to do it again when my friends asked me to go this past may. i'm so glad i went - i really enjoyed my hiking trips at olympic NP and i'm dying to return. i'll be traveling to yosemite NP (and possibly lake tahoe) in a few weeks. anyway, this is a step up for the physical preparation, but i really want to attempt to climb mount fuji one day!

🌸 outfit: it's sunny, cold, and windy at the summit. i braided my hair so my hair will be comfortable while relatively stationary and minimally bothersome. i'm wearing a wide-brimmed hat with sunglasses to shield my eyes from the sun and dirt. i'm wearing windproof and waterproof down jacket and pants and to stay dry and warm. i'm wearing trekking shoes for ankle support. i brought a spacious backpack with front straps for better support and to store my items, some of which are the below.

🌸 items: i brought lots of water (in a bottle, the game only has a water cooler) to keep me hydrated on this arduous and tough trek. i'm bringing some sandwiches, onigiri, and dry fruit - they're easy to eat, and they'll keep me energized. i have a kit to store my first aid basics and necessities, such as sunscreen and painkillers. i also brought a trekking pole for better stability since it's steep. lastly, i brought a camera with a tripod to capture the gorgeous sunset from the summit!

I went hiking in the mountain meadows, close to the river banks. This ensures that I have an unlimited supply of water, in case I get stranded somehow. However, it also means I'm close to the bears' watering hole. I have to be on the lookout, watching over my shoulder every few minutes. I really do not want to get eaten. But this beautiful view is worth the trouble; just look at the glittering water, the yellow flowers, the pebble creek. Ahhh, this is the life.

Of course I've come dressed for the occasion, and the name of the game is comfort. I've brought worn out and over sized clothes. After all, if I'll be traipsing around in the wilderness, there's no point in bringing anything nice. I'm sure my clumsy butt will find myself caught on some brambles eventually, trip over some rocks, fall into the water.. No, no point at all to be dressed nice for this trip. Who am I trying to impress anyway? There's nobody here but the bees and the bears. Then to finish off the look, I'll wear my trusty hat to keep my face safe from sunburn and equip my log backpack so that I'm prepared to start a fire anywhere, anytime.

And no trip is complete without a buttload of food and drinks. Can't live without it. You bet I'm bringing an entire stash, complete with fancy cutlery. That's the secret to survival folks. Whether you're in the mountains, or on your couch. ALWAYS have some snacks on hand - rules I live by. And of course, I'll be bringing my cozy tent, stuffed with blankets and pillows - chic and practical! Then there's my stack of books. I have such a huge reading backlog. When I'm at home, these get neglected in favour of video games. I've heard those melt your brain, so to bring it back to equilibrium, while I'm away from my electronics, I'll be reading! Now let's set the mood with my campfire. I'm reading my book by the dancing orange flames, roasting my marshmallows after an extra large dinner, the sound of the river flowing is my (f)lo(w)-fi. Now this is the life! But UH OH. I feel it coming along now. I really shouldn't have eaten two whole packs of hot dogs by myself on the first night.. This ain't good. Thank goodness I packed my handy dandy Personal Porta Potty! Now if you'll excuse me.. I've got to go!!

I went hiking during the cherry blossom season, it was such a magical experience setting up the tent between hundreds of pink petals! I traveled to the cherry blossom forest by bike, so the first item I brought with me is my mountainbike. I also brought my tent to sleep in, along with a few comfy cushions to sit and relax on. No camping trip is complete without a camp fire, and of course... a bag of marshmallows! I love roasting marshmallows on sticks above the fire, so delicious! I also brought a basket with cutlery, drinking cups, plates and a few more necessities that I'll use for both dinner and breakfast. As cherry blossom season is during the early spring months I still opted to wear a knitted cardigan to keep warm during those chilly spring evenings. I'm also wearing some easy track pants, high top converse sneakers and a handy backpack my mom gave me earlier this year as a present. Camping is not the best time to wear contact lenses, so I'm also wearing my favourite glasses. It's an easy and cozy outfit altogether, perfect for a camping trip!
For those who are looking to simply walk into mordor (for fun, fitness and jewelry disposal)

(aka some hobbit hiking essentials)

The walk will be over uneven terrain, so you’ll need a sturdy walking stick. We’ll have breakfast before we leave, but we’ll need a o bring a snack along for second breakfast - raspberry jelly donuts will do in a a pinch. For elevensies a bit of mincemeat pie will do. And we’ll bring some nice hearty stew for luncheon. Oh no! No more room for food, we’ll have to hope we come across someplace to eat as we go!

And don’t forget your ring of course, or you’ll have to go all the way there and back again (and then back again all over again)

in the absence of giant feet, I put my rep in the largest shoes I could find. Her hair is mimicking the ‘stylish and voluminous mop’ of the hobbits in the movie interpretations. And I am wearing plenty of layers. The weather varies quite a bit in middle earth. And I brought a large backpack for all of my

PS - I hope this is an acceptable interpretation of this challenge!

For my hiking and camping trip I've decided to go to the mountains! I always thought camping near the mountains in a big, beautiful field with a running stream was such an amazing thing the always interested me. So for my trip I brought along a tent for overnight sleeping, a walking stick for the paths along the water and up along the mountainsides, a nice little folding table that I can use for eating the food I prepared for my trip, and of course some firewood for my nightime campfire! 🔥

As for my outfit, I brought my comfy, lightweight but sturdy jacket, comfy shorts for exploring, nice thick socks so that I don't get blisters along my travels, trusty hiking shoes for all the rough terrain, my backpack, and of course my cute acorn hat for protection of my head and hair! ☺
camping pic.jpg

I decided to go camping in the forest lake! I brought my trusty fishing rod with me to help me catch fish (for both food and fun), the cooler box to store the fish I catch in for later, and also the lantern, which is a must-have for any late night fishing shenanigans. The campfire both keeps me warm and cooks my food, and has got to be the most essential item on this trip (aside from my fishing rod of course!). Last but not least, the sleeping bag is for, well, sleeping in, and keeps me warm and cosy on those cold, windy nights.

For my outfit, I chose my fishing vest which helps keep me warm and provides protection from any splashing, along with my tackle bag to help hold my all important fishing tackle and bait! The cargo pants are very warm and thick, which is great for the harsh outdoor weather, and my boots help keep my feet warm, and stops them getting wet when fishing. You may also notice the bandages, and those are due to an unfortunate run in with a wild bee the other day... the ones out in the forest seem to be extra ferocious.

🍃 🐝🦋🐞 🍃

My fishy thesis research is now done, so now I'm moving on to entomology! My professor said to suit up and cover myself so I don't get mosquito bites on the way to the research site, so I decided to wear my paint-splattered long coat, some black leggings, and my cute Kerokerokeroppi boots! The straw boat hat is just to stay in fashion (don't I look cute?). I'm also carrying a couple of bags to store my jars, tissues, and other necessities needed for this insect-filled expedition, along with my phone to take many pictures of the insects along the way!

My professor said we'll be a few days at the site, so I've brought my white tent to sleep in for the night. A lamp is also needed not just to light up the area at night, but to catch the night insects as well, such as moths! Of course, I've brought my trusty insect net (that has seen better days for sure, but at least it still works) and a few insect cages to catch insects in and examine them a bit more. Once we're done for each day, my professor tasked me to study the insects well and write down anything noteworthy about them, so I've brought a few books, notebooks, and pens to log in my findings.

I pray my insect thesis becomes journal-worthy, so I hope you cheer me on!

🍃 🐝🦋🐞 🍃

Thought I'd put here the code for the outfit I'm wearing to credit the artist!

I don't have any mountains where I live, and I don't do camping, but there is plenty of beach so a beach hiking trip it is. Plus I love the smell of the ocean.

My character is wearing athletic tech gear (tank top & shorts) to wick away SWEAT and to stay cool in the heat. The hat also helps sheild most of the sun away from their face. The shoes are outdoor sandals so they can easily walk in the water to find pretty seashells.

They brought with them a folding chair, fan to keep cool, a cooler full of drinks to avoid oveheating and all the *fun* stuff that comes with that and a book to press cool plants in, or to doodle. Also a fishing rod cause why not fish at the beach? Maybe they'll catch a pufferfish.
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A Hike Among with Mountains (A Rivers)
If I was going to go hiking among the mountains and rivers, I would definitely stay for the views. I'd bring my handy backpack with all the essentials I need. I'd also bring a portable radio to listen to music although the sounds of nature can be pretty nice as well. I'd also bring a book to do some reading and pass the time. I'd probably get a lot of reading done. If I wanted to do something else, I'd also go fishing to enjoy the river there but release all fishes I caught back into nature. Lastly, comfort is needed over night, so a comfy sleeping bag will and keep me warm.

Please resubmit this with a short description about your outfit! Thanks :)
Do mats/rugs count as an item? Or can it be considered as "flooring" and not one of the five items?

You can count a mat as an item, since it is a placeable item.
hello, the theme is simple: don't get eaten by a bear, firstly we must dress as a bear, by disguising ourselves as the enemy we can avoid being eaten as prey. paired with a scary face we are almost indistinguishable from our big furry friends! keep your friends close but enemies closer..


on our camping trip we will bring papa bear - even the most fearsome beasts won't bother us our great protector. also doubles as a squishy and warm sleeping buddy. and if all else fails we will pull a revenant and climb inside him for the night! a slingshot for shooting down berries for food, but more importantly to distract and confuse the bears. a lamp to illuminate our surroundings for bears. rc helicopter for a quick escape from the bears, but also to find the bears before we do. finally, we have a cupcake for when all else fails, who would rather eat us than a scrumptious cake right hahahahah....