Hiking Trip (Melon Ballers and Crystal Ballers Cabins)


I am all packed and ready for camp!!! I’m wearing shorts for the first time and If you know me I only ever wear dresses but this time I knew I had to change but obviously my shorts aren't plain boring ones they are covered in lace. I’ve got a my melody top on to match my pretty pink shorts and lace up boots to be able to hike and travel around the campsite. I feel like while my outfit is cute it is still practical for the tasks we are about to experience on this 3 week camp.

I have brought the following items with me:

I have my switch cause I have an addiction and camping out in the middle of nowhere isn't going to stop me from playing. I also would love to play a few mario kart matches with my fellow teammates in cabin 1.

Next is a portable radio because who doesn’t want to listen to music by the campfire. Plus late night dancing by the fire all together.

I’ve packed my doll cause she likes going on adventures plus she will be nice to hold on to while listening to scary ghost stories.

I have a couple books with me to read by the cosy fire while I drink some english breakfast tea.

And lastly my Nova Light I need a bit of light on at all times whenever I am somewhere new otherwise I will not fall asleep if I am in a room full of pitch darkness. Also in case I hear a scary noise outside the cabin late at night.
@dizzy bone

I have a pretty specific and kind of out-there idea for this, should I run it by the staff before I commit to it? Sorry for the obnoxious ping but I may need to order stuff from other people for this and I don't want to take too long since the trades will already slow me down.​
edited by mod - entry reposted and accepted!
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Several members of my cabin have already posted wonderful pictures... why can't I just fave all of you?! :cry:
@dizzy bone

I have a pretty specific and kind of out-there idea for this, should I run it by the staff before I commit to it? Sorry for the obnoxious ping but I may need to order stuff from other people for this and I don't want to take too long since the trades will already slow me down.​

Yes, feel free to run any ideas by me!

For my camping trip, I decided to wear bone botanical clothes (shirt and shorts) with some comfy sandals and a wife brim hat. I’m also wearing my butterfly bag just in case I find any cool rocks on my walk.

For items, I pitched a tent with a camping cot next to it. Most important are lanterns to keep the spooky-spooks away and a pitcher to keep hydrated during my stay. I also brought a board game to play with my friends :D

(Last time I went camping with friends, I brought UNO with me and we got really competitive and stayed up late playing)


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I'm goin' bug hunting! After learning that my idol, Flick, is going to be at the 2021 Bug Lovers' Convention, I decided to use the time I have at Camp Bell Tree to catch a specimen that will knock his socks off! In order to camouflage myself, I'm wearing my bamboo hat, traditional straw coat, and grass skirt, all made from the local fauna, as well as some sporty sandals so I my feet will be both protected and comfortable! On my back, I have the knitted-grass backpack, perfect for storing bugs in.

I couldn't choose just 5 items to bring, so the 5 I'll specify are:
  1. My net, of course. I'm not catching delicate bugs with my bare hands!
  2. Some zongzi, wrapped in some leaves I harvested from the lush area around me. Great meal!
  3. My camping cot! Ticks are especially bad this season, so I'm not risking sleeping on the ground and getting covered in 'em.
  4. Some Star Fragments, as insects are attracted to light! Also helps me see better at night.
  5. My lantern. Pretty much the same reason as the Star Fragments, but more convenient for on-the-go purposes. Star Fragments are pretty dense, after all!
I think with this setup, I'll find a perfect bug and be able to wow Flick in no time! Maybe he'll give me the elusive Flick Egg collectible as a reward.

I'm going camping!! Camping is one of my favorite summer activities, as I love spending time with friends and relatives in the great outdoors.

When I go camping, I like to wear clothes that I'm comfortable wearing, but also clothes that I'm okay with getting covered in dirt. Additionally, I've got some sunglasses and a hat to protect me from the sun, and some old sneakers to go hiking in. Finally, I have a backpack to carry drinks, snacks, and other essentials when hiking.

For my camping trip, I'm bringing the following items:
  1. A tent! I prefer sleeping in a tent versus directly under the stars—gotta have some protection against the elements!
  2. Firewood! Both for cooking and for warmth.
  3. A lantern! This will provide me with light in my tent, in the woods, or anywhere else I may wander off to.
  4. A book! I love to relax and read when I'm camping.
  5. Board games! My family always brings a bunch of games to play together when we're camping—it is a family tradition for us.
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It is the sacred duty of my village to care for the 🐉 dragon's egg (Bunny Day Lamp) until it is ready to hatch. When the time comes, a chosen guardian - me - wearing the ceremonial robes (ancient belted robe - white), must ascend the :devilish: demon-haunted (keroppi wall) mountain, and lay the egg upon the sacred altar.
Though it is an arduous hike, I have honed my skills with the blessed blades (katana - white). But each night, the demons loom ever closer, despite the warding incense (incense burner - cherry blossoms). I fear this may be my last meal (bamboo lunch box), if I do not remain vigilant. 😨

Hi jadetine! From your description I'm only seeing explanations for 4 items, unless you want to include something about the zen pillows.
Hi jadetine! From your description I'm only seeing explanations for 4 items, unless you want to include something about the zen pillows.
Doh, I meant to talk about the enchanted pillows! Should I edit the original and ping you or resubmit?
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It is the sacred duty of my village to care for the 🐉 dragon's egg (1. Bunny Day Lamp) until it is ready to hatch. When the time comes, a chosen guardian - me - wearing the ceremonial robes (ancient belted robe - white), must ascend the :devilish: demon-haunted (keroppi wall) mountain, carrying the egg on enchanted flame pillows (2. Stack of zen cushions) and lay the egg upon the sacred altar at the summit.
Though it is an arduous hike, I have honed my skills with the blessed blades (3. katana - white). But each night, the demons loom ever closer, despite the warding incense (4. incense burner - cherry blossoms). I fear this may be my last meal (5. bamboo lunch box), if I do not remain vigilant. 😨

To start, I'd make sure I'd bring a lantern because I am absolutely sure it'd take me a while to get the fire started. The radio would bring some entertainment while I'm busy with the campfire cookware. Definitely would like some music while cooking! As much as I'd love to sleep in a tent, the point of my hike was to look at the stars and what better to do that with than a telescope and sleeping in a sleeping bag! That way as I lie down, I can continue looking up at the sky.

I brought some comfortable clothing and I wanted to make sure I covered as much as I could in case there's bugs. There's a little camera hung around my neck, convenient for capturing the scenery. Comfortable pants as I don't want to chafe while I hike and trekking shoes to make the journey that much more bearable! Instead of bringing sunglasses, I brought I hat to block the sunlight. I also brought my prescription glasses because a girl needs to see. To top it all off, brought an extra-large backpack to hold some essentials!
listen if i'm going hiking or camping it is 100% against my will. it's gotta be one of those very clean, sanitary, pampery sites that make people go "buh buh that's not REAL camping buh" 'cause i absolutely refuse to be dirty or sleep outside like some sort of animal. why am i here? a family getaway i couldn't get out of? a hostage situation? some boy who probably isn't worth it? please send help.


i chose my outfit because even though i would admittedly like to dress completely unsuitably for camping, i'd also like to be as comfortable as possible in this unfortunate circumstance. crop top and denim shorts because the weather would have to be nice and i tend to get warm easily, they're also easy to move in. some cute hiking boots so i can actually maneuver the terrain, and some shades because well... the sun

the items i'm choosing to highlight:

  • a tent because im definitely not sleeping outside as mentioned before, mosquitos love to love me and i refuse to let them.
  • extra pillows bc i'm a princess and want to live (and sleep) in maximum comfort. i also have the bones of a 75 year old, if i lay directly on the ground i will NOT get up
  • a teddy bear because i will, without a doubt, be absolutely terrified being outside at night
  • a book to help pass the time and to help me wind down if need be
  • a functional backpack so i can bring all my essentials (or "essentials") - healthy snacks, water bottles, and my skincare & makeup case lest i come across an adonis who will rescue me

and i know the nookphone doesn't count but you know i'd absolutely be on it 👼

As a big fan of the Queen Alexandra's Birdwing I have decided to go hiking in the rainforests of Papua New Guinea, the species natural habitat which I knew thanks to google my great bug hunting expertise. I'm hoping to catch a female as my island is currently dominated only by the males and I think they'd be a bit less lonely if I bought back a companion for them. If I'm really lucky and manage to find at least 3 of the elusive butterflies then I’ll be able to give them to Flick in exchange for a model for my island, something I’m sure would please us both.

What I wore:
  • Explorer Hat - While exploring in the rainforest I decided I needed the right look which obviously involved the token hat, the rim helps to protect my face from the heat too which is very useful as my cheeks get sun burnt very easily
  • Botanical Tee - lightweight and cool which makes it great for the tropical climate and if I’m very lucky then the flowers on it might attract some butterflies!
  • Jogging Shorts - these are comfortable and easy to travel around in, picking shorts over trousers also means I’ll be able to keep cooler while hiking
  • Trekking Shoes - appropriate footwear is a must while hiking in order to stay as comfortable as possible
  • Sea lion Backpack - something easy to carry that I can hold all my essentials in while I’m out exploring

  • What I'm bringing with me:
  • Net - the most important item as I need to be able to catch the Queen Alexandra Birdwing when I find it or else I’ll have trouble getting it back to my island
  • Butterfly Encyclopaedia - I love reading and learning so I knew I had to bring this on my trip, I’ll be able to use this to research other species of butterfly found in the rainforest that I could bring back home to my island
  • Sleeping Bag - following a lot of travelling and hiking I knew it would be important to have somewhere to rest so I bought my sleeping bag along so that I could sleep as comfortably as possible after a long day
  • Dinosaur Plushie - whenever I go anywhere I always take one of my plushies and I decided I’d take one of my dinosaurs so I picked Dino, very imaginatively named, as my companion for the trip. He’s microwaveable, though I chose not to bring the microwave with me, and he smells of lavender which I find relaxing. Unfortunately the picture hasn’t done him much justice as he’s a purple stegosaurus but it’s made him look like a blue t-rex but he’s still very cuddly and a great comfort when away from home.
  • Portable Radio - it can get very lonely while out hiking on my own so I’ve bought this along to listen to some music and keep me motivated on my trip as while Dino is a great companion I often find he doesn’t help ease the silence.

Everyone has these amazing stories and here’s my little entry. Spots and I went on a small camping trip by the lake. I went for cozy with my outfit…. comfy long sleeved shirt, denim shorts with leggings to protect myself from the elements. Couldn’t forget my camera to capture our memories from the trip. Took my mountain bike and food was a necessity, so can’t leave our picnic basket otherwise how would we make s’mores?! Plus our little tent to spend the night. :)
Here is my submission for the hiking project. I do Civil War reenactments. It is living history while also being a bit more of rough camping. You're not supposed to bring anything that predates when that time period would had been. Of course, you can still bring necessities, but they need to be hidden from the public eye, because you are trying to give the audience an experience that they would had witnessed if they were around back then without all of the hardship and brutality.

It's normally 3 days, usually during the weekend, and we do our best to represent history whether rain or shine. Most times it is rain. Sometimes it is even freezing. My last reeanctment I could not keep warm at all. I layered up in my two army blankets, kept my uniform on in the covers, and put on all the socks I could find...still wasn't enough to knock the 20F chill. I am never doing that again.


I selected what I would wear and a common soldier back then would wear when on the field of duty. A hat, frock coat, pants, and pair of boots/brogans. Their uniforms were pure wool. Imagine wearing that rough chaffing stuff in mid July-August weather as the sun beat down on to you.

The five items I selected all depict parts of the reenactment. The Christmas tent is as close to a A-Frame tent that I could find that a common soldier would sleep in when in their makeshift bases.

The flag with the eagle was as close as I could represent what the Union flag would had looked like around that time.

The firewood stack and campfire are very essential to your camping needs. If you don't have them, you won't be able to start a fire for warmth or to cook your food.

And well the cannon is self-explanatory. It goes boom.
For this camping trip I have chosen my clothes careful, from past experience this is what i like to wear for long natural trips.

- My tight sport leggins ( most likely black 😅 ,all my sports one are black )
-Old long shirt so it protects my shoulders from the backpack handles!
-Long socks so that my tracking shoes ( until ankle shoes ) will not rub my bare skin and make bruises.
-Tracking shoes until ankle to protect it in case while im walking i slip and to try to prevent any injury, this shoes give me more stability.
-Black cap, to protect my head from the sun and to prevent headaches.
-Big bag pack so I can carry all my utensils plus where i can put my dog for when ever i see her struggling to keep up ( since she is not meant to be a long tracking dog 😅, but she loves it and I always monitor her)


The five things I would take with me:
-My Dog! ( not that i think she is an object ! but i guess she counts as an essential part of my trip so i am going to count her in )
-Portable pet bowls to be able to feed and hydrate my dog.
-Camping gas so i can cook ( most likely rice and not much haha ) and make teas.
-A small sewing kit, I always find it usual special in long trip since no-one takes many clothes for obvious reason and since accidents may happen in the way, experience has taught me that its always nice to be able to sew broken holes or to be able to repare in general clothing issues that may happen.
-A small book and pen to write when i feel inspire or when i want to record a train of thought for me to read later.


So when do we start the rip? I am all ready already y'all ☀🏕
I would go out for a fishing trip! With a sailor's tee and a good pair of boots, I'll be ready for any fish that bites!
I would bring with me, of course, a fishing rod and cooler for fishing, a nice cozy tent to sleep in, a guide about the different fish I could catch and some popsicles as snacks.

hiking?!?! No, no, no, didn't you know my favourite season is indoors? Just leave me in the cabin.
brought an outdoor generator and I can glamp in comfort. ha!

EDIT with more description at @dizzy bone :
I'm wearing some basic shirt and shorts cause it's hot... got my socks with sandals cause *fashion*. Wearing a hat with sunglasses incase I step outside and need to shield from cancer inducing sun.
The cucumber pack goes with my nail kit - gonna have a chill relaxing pamper myself moment at the cabin. In addition I've got a mini fridge, for refreshing beverages and an electric fan to keep cool.
And obviously it's gonna get boring in the cabin by myself with the other cool kids out and about hiking, I've brought a switch lite and I'll play some ACNH and Splatoon 2 (single player, don't think there's internet). POWERED BY MY OUTDOOR GENERATOR.
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