Sunday (God) heard my prayers, that's for sure!
I got Sunday with my free 10 pull from the update. A 50/50 win at that, too. Very mindful of him, and very demure. I just started working, so I think Sunday knew I couldn't afford to whale for both ><
I was already building pity during Aventurine's banner, which, I will say. IT WAS SO TEMPTING to pop pity to get Aventurine, or at least try to.
Sunday came home at 58 pulls exactly.
Then? I went for his LC with my remaining free/extra pulls (which wasn't a lot).
After three single pulls, SUNDAY LIGHTCONE AT 11 PITY BABY!!!
Now, I can get JY Eidolons
I'm so blessed, truly hehe
Me when I pulled Sunday tbh