Hot, Warm or Cold showers?

Hot, Warm or Cold showers?

  • Hot

    Votes: 67 56.3%
  • Warm

    Votes: 44 37.0%
  • Cold

    Votes: 8 6.7%

  • Total voters
I feel cheated, used to take many cold showers and I`m all shiny on top.

Anyways, lately I take my showers more hot, but I still vary sometimes, I used to just take them warm, because the hot temperature my family left it on made me smell like chicken.....

But in summer I always start showering warm and cool it down gradually. I`m not suprised showering helps against depression/ anxiety, because I often take a shower when those feelings peak to calm me down.

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If cold showers release antidepressant hormones and hot showers reduce anxiety, then people with depression and anxiety disorders should just shower non-stop all the time!

Or mix up the shower with running, since jogging also works as antidepressant. (Some housing organisations for people with psychological issues already started running groups for this reason).

It definetly helps, albeit not well enough to shake it off. :(
I put it warm when I first get in then ease down the temperature to a colder one. It's apparently better for your skin and hair to take cold showers
People take cold showers on purpose? I thought that was just a myth like opening a glass soda bottle with your hands?

I take hot showers, sometimes warm if I'm feeling a little adventurous.
I always take hot showers. No exceptions. Warm doesn't feel right to me, and cold showers are completely out of the question. I am sure I'd hate taking cold showers. I prefer the heat, haha.
I always have hot showers, but I only turn the heat up gradually.


At one of my parents work, theyre was a lady who was shopping with her child who was misbehaving, and she was saying "If you don't stop, when we get home your going to have a cold shower!!" :') I felt bad laughing about it when they told me.
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umm....what? majority here likes hot shower? doesnt that burns your skin or something? O.O
umm....what? majority here likes hot shower? doesnt that burns your skin or something? O.O

To be honest I was surprised as well. I'm glad I put this poll up ^.^ I now just show this to my boyfriend every time he complains that I have the water running on too hot, and that it's not normal :p
I love taking cold showers and feeling refreshed and minty but hot showers all the way.

I take hot showers even in the summer XD
I brought a thermometer into the shower today and apparently I shower at 90 degrees. It's far from burning my flesh though.
I take warm showers, I used to take scalding hot showers and my skin would be bright red when I got out with steam coming off of it. But now I take much cooler showers, mostly because I care about my hair too much, I even turn it down to like barely warm to wash my hair because I don't want to rinse my hair color down the drain...
i cant stand hot showers, especially when every single person in my family turns the knob at a 90 degree angle and doesnt turn it back
I love warm showers.
They're sort of therapeutic in a way.