how accessible is your island?

There's no need to use a ladder or the pole on my island the exception being the secret beach, which can be accessed by a ladder or by sea. As I almost never have a reason to go to the secret beach (thanks to Redd's awful spawn rate), in the rare occasions when Redd's boat is there, I simply get there by swimming.

It's not a place that people should have access anyway (it's a secret beach for a reason), but other than that, I made sure navigation through the island would never be a problem.
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Mine is almost entirely accessible save for this one tiny bit of my island that literally just has one cedar tree, a bamboo plant, and some flowers. It’s so small I’m not really sure if it’s worth putting a bridge there? I might, if it isn’t finicky about me adding a diagonal bridge and it looks nice! Maybe I could put a little table on the other side... hmmm maybe I will add a bridge, thinking about it now!
completely accessible! i wouldn't be able to stand having a difficult to navigate island
Gahahahah...complete accessibility doesn’t exist on Evwirt.

For real though, I wanted to keep my island as feral as possible, so I only have one bridge for the entire island. anything beyond my starting area/visitor center requires a vaulting pole and ladder to access. Sure, it can be tedious at times, but I feel it fits the theming better than if I had a bunch of ramps and bridges connecting everything.

((Don’t worry, I do supply a vault pole and ladder for those brave enough to venture into the woods.))

I've visited and I can 100% vouch for this!! it's like wandering around a woodland maze trying to get around your island (I mean that in a good way haha)

personally, most of my island is accessible without a ladder/vaulting pole. there's one little beach area you need a vaulting pole to get to but that's just for where I keep spare flowers/DIYs so no one really needs to go over there, and then there are a couple spots that you'd need a ladder for (my stargazing picnic area and my rock garden) because for some reason we are limited to 8 inclines and I've used all of mine up haha
All parts of my island are accessible. Some spaces are a bit narrow but still accessible by scooching.
Most of my island is accessible.

I have a small section that is walled off to create a Forced Perspective that looks alot further away than it actually is.
One of my islands is completely accessible since the secret beach is accessible from level one at the back left side. The other is accessible except for the secret beach.
Mine is completely accessible cause I wanted to save inventory space and also make sure my villagers can get everywhere. I haven't used a vaulting pole since the first month of having the game, and I only keep a ladder on me when I want to terraform or decorate the area behind my cliffs. I wanted to make a hidden path to the secret beach so I actually have fences and furniture placed in that area that stops it from being accessible by just walking to the north end of the map and using a ladder. The only problem is that I forget to grab a ladder and vaulting pole when I go to mystery islands and always have to craft a new 😅
My island isn't accessible at all
I still have a bridge donation going from months ago, and the only other bridge I have is the one from the beginning of the game, and it barely gets you anywhere.

it baffles me how my villagers get across since they don't seem to have vaulting poles or ladders to get to the main part of my island that they are blocked off from
It’s pretty much 95% accessible, aside from a couple cliffs that will require a ladder but I find there would really be no reason to go up on top of the cliffs anyways unless I’m terraforming. Which is usually never, lol. So pretty much no vaulting pole or ladder needed, I hate the space they take up in my inventory. I don’t even own a vaulting pole anymore and the ladders I just place beside the cliffs that have need for them as decoration and for if I ever do find the need for them they will be there.
My island is completely accessible without the ladder and vaulting pole.

I will say, though, the way that I terraformed around the secret beach isn't very pleasing to my eyes, so I'll be going about that section of the map differently next time.
I'm currently re-doing everything on my main island, so I'm demolishing my bridges and inclines but when it's how I want, it will be very accessible, as I do enjoy practicality as well as aesthetics. I'm still working on getting bridges and inclines set up on my new island.
I haven't unlocked terraforming and am still paying for bridges and waiting for them to be built, so not really
I'd say my island is 100% accessible. I certainly don't seem to have any problems getting around. I have three different tiers and they all have inclines. I have a few different areas bisected by a river, and those all have bridges. I only need my ladder and vaulting pole for mystery islands or visiting friends.
Mine is easily accessible for the most part. I do have a couple of lonely cliffs with no inclines, but they're purely decorative so there's no actual point to climb them in the first place x)
Mine is very accessible. Got bridges and inclined to all the parts. I even have a path leading from my beach rocks to my secret beach (it's very close to the left beach).

There is one part, a top-tier cliff with a waterfall, that I never built a ramp up to. But there's nothing up there except a little display that you can see from farther down, so it's not necessary.