how accessible is your island?

everything is accessible, i hate having to use a ladder or vaulting pole to get to wherever i need to go. i also have a lot of shortcuts, mostly small stepping stones in the river making me able to just jump over it rather than use my vaulting pole. i have one behind my house that i use all the time
my island is too accessible. my museum has two inclines that i need to redo, so that i can space out the inclines a bit of my villager areas.

but you don't need to access anything with a vaulting pole, or a ladder. you can even get to my secret beach where redd anchors with some steps; although, honestly, it's not like it's a huge hassle to use my ladder to get down there so i might take that incline out to make room for it somewhere else 😂
Mine is completely accessible without a ladder or vaulting pole aside from one spot where I have a lighthouse, but it’s a tiny piece of land that’s just meant to be looked at, and there’s no reason you’d ever actually need to access it (aside from redecorating of course).
before i started terraforming like crazy, my island was accessible. accessibility was actually one of my biggest initial design "rubrics" until i began revamping. even though I have inaccessible areas now (mainly only cliffs with flowers, bushes, trees, and weeds), my main principle will still be revolving around mobility (places with interactable "content" will be connected by a ramp, land, or bridge; or it will be accessible via jump ).
My island is quite easy to navigate, maybe sometimes a pole/ladder would be quicker than using the few bridges/inclines I have, however I'm too lazy and prefer to run everywhereee :LOL:
My town was focused on being accessible everywhere from the start, as I would be playing in it everyday. But now I'm trying to do more elaborate terraforming, and making everything accessible at the same time is getting more difficult, due to the 8 incline limit. I'm trying to alleviate it by making it possible to jump between landmasses.

Now makes me wish we could build bridges across clifftops to add more accessibility... Or at least have them increase the incline limit.
Yes, everything is accessible with one exception, the secret beach where Jolly Redd moors. I'd already set up my campsite and pond up there and didn't want to change anything.
Mine is pretty much entirely accessible expect for 2 cliffs that are really small and only have trees/flowers on them. I prefer islands that are easy to move around and navigate
Very accessible. There's bridges and inclines so there's no need for vaulting poles and ladders. Even around the rivers, I have spots that are 2 squares wide so I can just jump over without using the pole. Nothing is blocked by furniture/fences.
Completely accessible. Wide and clear paths, practical placements of bridges and inclines, and no need for a vaulting pole or ladder anywhere.
My island is pretty accessible, but one of the river mouths needs a vaulting pole to cross (although if you follow paths, you can get to the other side without one). Other than that, the areas you can't access without a ladder are just decorative, with the exception of a couple small secrets :)
there's, I guess...

2 areas that need a ladder
1 area that needs a pole
1 area that needs ladder+pole

one of them is kinda a secret section that's not even necessary to traverse the island, one's the east-side beach northern segment, and the last two are not terribly noteworthy to begin with
My whole island is completely accessible I find it annoying having to use ladders or vaulting poles to get around
It's fully accessible, with one exception. I have an elevated area decorated as a teddy bears' picnic, but it's completely filled, so there's no reason to climb up.

I still keep my pole with me, since it's sometimes easier to hop the river.
Mine is mostly accessible! I have some cliffs that don’t have inclines, but they’re just for decoration so you wouldn’t need to get up there. Otherwise, the only thing you’d need a ladder for is the secret beach. I put my house in front of it before Redd was in the game.
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It's been a while I haven't used the ladder or vaulting pole on my island. I prefer to avoid using them if possible.
I make sure all the areas are accessible for my villagers.
The shops are especially easily accessible and close to the airport, since I host events when I have time.
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Beautiful yet functional are my goals, so easy access is a must ^^
I also want villagers to be able to go anywhere~

On a side note, I visited a dream & one villager was on the back side of a cliff - just walking along the very back of the island, where there's the necessary one-space buffer!! So I'm going to have fencing or something back there so they can't meander there lol