how are you feeling right now?

I feel, hopeful.
I sold a book to someone today who was more than happy to pay double for what I was asking because they thought the condition was so good and they didn't have a smaller bill on them at the time. However they could have easily broke it at the register (where we met at was a fast food place). They were super excited to have it and it just made me happy that they were so happy with it. I liked the book too, but it sat for a few years untouched after using it for a few years so I felt it was time to let it go since I didn't foresee myself using again any time soon. It was also nice for a stranger to acknowledge that I actually take care of my stuff and that just because I owned it for a bit doesn't make it trash. They felt it looked like new, but I felt lightly used was a more appropriate label than like new.
It was just a refreshing encounter after the last few conversations I had with strangers about my stuff.
Right now, I’m not feeling too great; got some stuff on my mind still. I’m also a bit annoyed with myself about a few things. Overall, I’m not bad, just still mentally drained and tired.
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Miserable. I am sick of being sensitive to air particles. I can literally feel them in my mouth and I live with people who overuse air freshener and do other things that can cause this. Honestly I wouldn't be going through any of this if my mom stayed in bed this morning.
What a great start to being stuck in the living room for 2-3 days due to the weather...
I'm excited to get my new pair of glasses! On the other hand, I feel...irritated and ashamed over something unrelated to the glasses. It's good to change if you know it will benefit yourself, but not when others are pressuring you too much... Maybe that's why I've felt insecure ad behind for so long.
I feel very tired and unwell today, and I'm so frustrated with my workplace right now. I want to be able to get the rest I need, but their stupid policies are leaving me feeling uncertain and very tense 😞
I'm feeling kinda tired and somewhat irritable today. Watching tv and playing on my switch made me feel a little less "bleh." I'm also on my period, but it should be ending soon. Other than that, I'm feeling a-okay.
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