how are you feeling right now?

I’m tired and depressed; still anxious about my artwork. Been trying to think of things I could add that aren’t in the references to help make it look less dependent on it, but the only idea I have, not sure how it’ll look. I think it won’t go well considering the background looks so far. I want to draw but have no energy and also this anxiety is getting in the way.

Spanky just gave me kisses and is sleeping on my bed ☺️; having her here is helping me cope at least. My kittens make me so happy ☺️.
Pretty hot (temperature-wise). I just took a shower (if I had to guess the water was 40 degrees Celsius) and it's pretty warm outside. Oh, and I'm wearing fluffy pyjama pants to go with it.
just had a really nice chat with one of my teachers, so i’m feeling pretty good right now! she told me that in this course, i’m one of the only students she doesn’t have to chase down for missing assignments, participation, etc and that she’s thankful, and that made me really happy! i’ve always thrived in classes like this one (personal life management), so i’m glad that that hasn’t changed despite my exhaustion and mental health struggles aha. i feel so bad for my teacher and how exhausted she must be, though, but i’m glad that i’m not making it worse at least. :’)

i also have a conference with another one of my teachers in just over an hour that i’m nervous about because, uh... i don’t thrive in her class as much lol, but i’m also kinda excited since i do need to talk to her, and it’ll hopefully help me with any confusion i have about certain assignments + what i should focus on handing in for midterm. wish me luck! 😅

tldr; feeling a mixture of pride, happiness & anxiety rn.
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I'm very bored and unmotivated to do anything. All my games are boring. I need something to do. I'm also annoyed at swagbucks because I spent 20 minutes on a survey and completed it, but it had an error at the end so I didn't get credit for it. This happens a lot with surveys and it usually doesn't bother me, but I'm already in a bad mood so I'm extra upset about it.
I am going to see a person tomorrow and I REALLY (I mean like really) like them. But I don’t know if they feel the same. That’s why I am feeling a bit nervous today.
Feeling good, I'm getting my room cleaned up and that's always nice.
For the first time in a few days, maybe a week? I'm feeling really good! I've had a good night of sleep, didn't wake up groggy and that allowed me to finally tackle the depression mess that had piled up in the kitchen; so it's now sparkling clean, I've got a cherry candle burning which smells wonderful, and I cooked lunch for the first time in about a month 🥰
It's a great day, and to top it all off the sun is shining so I can go sit on the front porch with my cup of coffee!
I have no energy; I was fine most of the time that I was awake, but now I feel tired and depressed. I think it’s just that time in the month, though I did have another dream this morning that reminded me of high school and has been troubling me all day. A bit irritated too with my dad. He is watching something on his phone or tablet and i can hear it in the kitchen and in my bedroom with my door shut.
I have no energy; I was fine most of the time that I was awake, but now I feel tired and depressed. I think it’s just that time in the month, though I did have another dream this morning that reminded me of high school and has been troubling me all day. A bit irritated too with my dad. He is watching something on his phone or tablet and i can hear it in the kitchen and in my bedroom with my door shut.
I have dreams where I'm back in grade school or sometimes a place that I used to work at. It's always weird stuff like getting on the wrong bus, not having the proper assignments or nothing to show ect. I always hated those kinds of dreams lol.

I'm not trying to dismiss your situation, but have you tried light therapy? Where I live during winter and around this time it's pretty dull, gray, and bleak until Spring comes around. So sometimes bright lights help me just even a tiny bit. I doubt this is helpful, but I figured I would suggest it. I do hope you feel better tomorrow!
I'm feeling good again today. I went back into the office for the first time in two years and got to see my boss, who I'm really friendly with. I didn't run into any issues with my badge or connecting to things like I was afraid of. Plus, it's Friday so I've got the weekend to look forward to. It was a pretty good day.