how are you feeling right now?

I just woke up and I’m feeling a little embarrassed about something. I think everything is okay with that (i’m still not sure about some other things) but I embarrassed myself and was annoying in the process >.<

I’m hungry and still need to take my medicine. I kinda don’t want to get up though. I’m not feeling good.

I’m feeling a bit self conscious about my posts again; it’s so dumb yet I can’t help it. I’m just really not feeling good about myself. The cliquey vibes I sometimes sense (I want to believe I’m imagining it and just being silly) is bothering me a little too.

I still could use a turn off button for my anxiety and emotions.

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pretty tired.. had a big night but then didn't want to sleep in super late so that i'd actually be able to sleep tonight. i was meant to actually sleep a while ago since i have a busy day tomorrow, but i forgot i had to grind for spores so here we are
I’m still a bit down and anxious but I think I’m feeling a little better for now. My cats were sleeping downstairs so I went down there and visited them. I caught Jewels sleeping funny on the back of the couch ☺️. I had fun making some lineups with the forged mushrooms. 🙂
I feel great! I just got my morning coffee with my bestie c:
Despite the trouble sleeping (curse you nightmares!), I am feeling pretty good at the moment c: