how are you feeling right now?

MIZUKI 5 JUST RELEASED AND IM NOT OKAY IM COLLAPSING ON THE FLOOR AS WE SPEAK ‼️‼️ i will need to wait for story translations but from what im seeing on my timeline it’s….. bad…. like BAD bad…. not like the writing is bad, i mean the entire SITUATION IS BAD . IM IN TEARS . EVERYONE IS IN TEARS NO ONE IS OKAY
MIZUKI 5 JUST RELEASED AND IM NOT OKAY IM COLLAPSING ON THE FLOOR AS WE SPEAK ‼️‼️ i will need to wait for story translations but from what im seeing on my timeline it’s….. bad…. like BAD bad…. not like the writing is bad, i mean the entire SITUATION IS BAD . IM IN TEARS . EVERYONE IS IN TEARS NO ONE IS OKAY
ok read the main story and let’s just say. i cried.
they did an absolutely good job because damn all they needed were 2D models, writers, and VAs to make things so emotional
My mood is a little better than it was earlier. I still feel like the stuff that has been on my mind that I’ve been uncertain about is weighing my mood down, but playing games today definitely helped cheer me up a bit. I did the fishing tournament on my second island and got to 300 points; it took me most of the night since I didn’t use bait for a good portion of the time but it helped keep me occupied enough that my mood didn’t get worse like sometimes happens later in the night.
RELIEVED. My partner asked me to fix her computer. It wasn't connecting to the internet, and when it did Steam wasn't working. Turns out it hasn't been working for a while.

I didn't think to check if I should back anything up before reinstalling Steam. So I deleted all her games and save data. And I needed her password to access her account so I couldn't even check the cloud before worrying her. 🤦‍♂️

Thankfully all except one game was backed up. There's the inconvenience that she needs to redownload them, but she doesn't care because her computer is working again and the save files are there. Helps she mostly plays indie games rather than huge AAA titles.

I was expecting her to be mad but turns out she's grateful. PHEW. She's now happily playing Home Safety Hotline.
Pretty content. I am a bit anxious about how lunch with my grandparents will go (mostly about worrying about being forced to pray), but at the same time, lunch with them can be nice too <333
I just woke up and still am sleepy. Medicine hasn’t kicked in yet since I just took it. Still feeling weighed down by a lot; woke up to a dream that reminded me of high school. Not good since high school was a nightmare for me. I’m having trouble shaking it off but I should okay once I start playing some of my games and when my medicine kicks in.
Oh no, it's that same feeling I've had weeks ago once again: lethargy and loneliness.

I'm so not ready to go back tomorrow. I wish I was, but there's bunch of stuff there that I'm not looking forward to, like the workload and the noise. (don't even get me started on the noise...)

I wish I could talk to someone about my problems but at this point I don't think it's going to happen ever. Well, it almost did, but I had to back out because that someone already has too much to worry about and I didn't want to burden them any further by venting to them. I kinda regret it, but what else could I do?

I'm also developing some negative thoughts about myself again. I can't believe how hard it is to be autistic sometimes. :\ No wonder some people desire a cure.