How are you feeling?

Gross and nauseous. Barely slept due to a migraine (thanks a lot, hormonal craziness, really appreciate that) and now I'm hungry but the thought of food makes me feel sick, so I haven't eaten anything but a couple of pretzels so far today.

Mentally I'm feeling fine, which is nice, but kind of canceled out by the whole sicky thing.
Fat and gross. I tried to not eat very much today since I'm getting a swimsuit later, but I caved and ate about 1/4 of my friends walking taco. So much for not bloating!
I'm very relaxed today. It's quite nice, since I"ve been so stressed with classes lately. Thank goodness for Spring Break. :D
I don't even know. I'm happy b/c of something, and I also hate everything b/c of something else...all I can say is, 2015 is definitely the year of changes for me.
I don't even know. I'm happy b/c of something, and I also hate everything b/c of something else...all I can say is, 2015 is definitely the year of changes for me.

Amen mate.

Well feeling alright I guess. A bit tired but nice getting at 11 and not 7 I guess
I feel fantastic because today has been great.
The day started out a little rough but things turned around quickly. This morning I was confronted in the bathroom as a group of people felt I didn't belong there as my gender confused them and let's just say it wasn't pleasant. But everything else has been awesome. Their meanness this morning just put the rest of the day into perspective and allowed me to appreciate the kindness of my friends more. One of my friend's had been saving for a long time, not sure what for, but they were telling me about how much they'd saved. It wasn't much but it was a lot of them and they were proud. Anyway, later they came across my other friend's stall. My friend was selling some crocheted things they made for charity, and the first friend I mentioned didn't buy anything but instead donated all the money they'd saved without a second thought. My friend with the crochet stall also remembered and respected my gender which has taken a long time. I also got given a free raspberry and apple muffin, and some free highlighters that actually work.
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I could never use the "wrong" bathroom, even if I felt like I belonged in there. I just don't have the balls.
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I could never use the "wrong" bathroom, even if I felt like I belonged in there. I just don't have the balls.

Funny thing is my sex is female and I was using the female toilets. I honestly didn't think I looked male enough today to cause any problems but apparently I did. Anyway, I normally don't use the male toilets, the smell is too bad. I'd rather queue unless I'm desperate.

- - - Post Merge - - -

Glad you had a great day, Moddie ♥ Always nice when it starts out rough but turns around for the better :)

Thank you! :)
And yeah, I'd definitely rather start the day on a low and end on a high, than the other way around.
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Funny thing is my sex is female and I was using the female toilets.

Oh. I know how that feels.
I am a male. I don't think I look anything like a female at all, but more strangers call me "miss" than "sir". Old men hit on me all the time, which is actually hilarious because of how completely horrified they are when they figure it out.
Oh. I know how that feels.
I am a male. I don't think I look anything like a female at all, but more strangers call me "miss" than "sir". Old men hit on me all the time, which is actually hilarious because of how completely horrified they are when they figure it out.

Aww man, that's unfortunate and hilarious at the same time.
...Old men can be such creeps.
One time this old guy stops his pickup truck next to me as I'm walking on the side of the road. He leans out and asks something to the effect of "Hey little lady, you need a ride someplace?" I'm like "Yeah, shure!" in my best gross dude voice. He drove off.
Fantastic! I have had a lot of cr*p thrown at me today (not literally, thanks goodness) but I have handled it all in my stride and am quite proud of myself :)
One time this old guy stops his pickup truck next to me as I'm walking on the side of the road. He leans out and asks something to the effect of "Hey little lady, you need a ride someplace?" I'm like "Yeah, shure!" in my best gross dude voice. He drove off.

Haha, brilliant.
Feeling pretty good, all things considered! I wish I had more people to play tabletop games with, though. Practically all my amigos are busy with work or school ;v;