How are you feeling?

really tired and i have been making pony plushes all day and oh my god i hate my little pony so much right now
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I'm feeling pretty blank. My life is pretty complicated right now but I am also at fault for it. Feels like I haven't felt completely happy in ages.
I'm feeling really not tired. I should be tired. I have class in the early morn
My head hurts and I can't find the pain killers.. only for the throat but that doesn't help lol.
gross and anxious.
i have to take stock of over 10,000 items and sew 3 ponies and draw more crap
and also i havent showered in 3 days and im gorssing myself out

chilling to some sick jams noiru sent me though
you're most welcome <3 hope you feel better.

i feel better at least i think, found the pain killers eventually...
yeah ugh had this bad headache but most of it is gone, thank goodness...

*hugs* is better now , thanks ^^
I'm feeling good. The whiny piss-baby Tumblr-lovers are pissed at me. Which is completely ironic because they accuse me of ****-posting then take the ****-posting seriously like if you're gonna make a claim, stick with it.
Feeling quite good yet slightly lonely. I am home alone and craving for a good conversation. Also, I am hungry for ice cream.
@Jiska, I feel ya with the home alone and lonely. My bf works shift work in another town and I moved to his house in January and I have no friends so I sit at home all day. Sucks so bad!

For me I am feeling EXHAUSTED! Stayed up until midnight playing animal crossing (typical), then at 130am I got a fire call and I never got home until 11am. Boooooo.