• The first day of our new Mushroom Season event has passed, but things are just getting started. Read the update about changes made to the schedule, starting with day two. Be careful foraging and good luck!
  • Come and see the official gallery showcasing all of your creative entries from The Bell Tree Fair 2024. In addition, the winners for the final raffles have been drawn! Click here for the event's final closing announcement.

How are you feeling?

Feeling somewhat down. I will probably get over it soon enough, but I hate the BTB is worth nothing for the rare collectibles, all they want is games for pixels.
Confused and a lil irritated??
Apparently this girl that I'm only kinda friends with put me down as a contact for her bank loan and now they're after her?
And they called me looking for her??
Why did she put me down??
Dude, don't abuse my number.

- - - Post Merge - - -

Freaking idiot.
Relieved...Sad...Happy...Stressed...I'm a rollercoaster.
We're walking away from the house we've been in contract with since end of February. Which means we'll be starting from scratch. We also lose the money we placed to hold the home in contract, the money we spent on inspections, and the money we spent on appraisals. So stressed. Sad...because we won't be moving out at the end of this month like we thought. It'll be longer till we'll be together daily. Relieved because...this whole thing has been a nightmare and I'm just so happy to be free of our lying/manipulative/horrible realtor.
Happy to find something better suited for us...scared to not find something at all. But realistic in that all things happen for a reason and it just takes time.

-.- So meh.
Going through withdrawals! I feel super light-headed and dizzy and just... out of it. Having trouble focusing on stuff visually as well. I keep closing my eyes and/or getting distracted, losing thoughts, etc. It's like being extremely tired and extremely drunk without the nausea. Do not want.
Pretty good! Got discharged after having a bit of surgery today and they put me on hydrocodone so I'm virtually painless for the next two days. I get to miss school Monday and Tuesday because I can't walk up stairs until 5 days after my surgery.
Really sleepy but happy~ I'm like blissfully sleepy and trying to wake myself up because I can't take a nap right now </3
Not very good. Just distracting myself from my problems right now. My life is in for quite the change soon...
Kinda eh. I have cramps and a slight headache (though I took a pill so hopefully that improves). I want to eat all the chocolate, but I'm refraining.
I'm tired and my back aches since I was painting for a few hours. ): I ought to go to bed soon augh.
Awesome, my forum shop is doing great, lots of work but it sure pays off, now I gtg study, or at least I got to go TRY and study.
i feel g8 no h8 tryna appreci8 my life.

i need to go to bed wth
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I feel pretty tired and my stomach keep making weird noises and hurts a bit, I keep burping up bile which is pretty nasty. I am going to sleep for so long...