We tend to have a dinner as a family for both holidays, however since 2020 things have been ify on what actually happens.
And at home, it is just me and my spouse so we don't really celebrate it. I mean, I get my dogs a little something but I don't bother decorating anything. If I did, it would just get destroyed between my spouse thinking it is silly clutter (which it kinda is if you think about it) and my dogs who like to get into stuff. We do go to church as a couple if they are holding a service. Sometimes a church will have a social event near the time of Christmas that consist of drinking hot coco and singing carols but since the pandemic thing, I'm not sure that will come back.
I like to bake cookies in December. So there's that. lol.
Now back in the 90s, a holiday was a whole day event as a family. We also had kids in the family back then, and people lived closer. My family wasn't a church going family and we didn't attend a service nor event of any religion.
Now, the kids are absent on my side of the family and people have passed away or moved away.