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how do you feel about kids?

I like kids alot! I could imagine having one or two... But I do write stories and make characters for most kids anyway, hope to publish something someday..

But i couldnt agree more about how they behave, its definitly annoying when they have no sense of timing when it comes to anger or sadness outbursts... dear i feel bad about the parents too, they are just as annoyed as we are, then theres the argument if they are actually good parents that keep their kids in check! but thats also depending..
I love working with them but feel significantly less excited about having them in my house.
Hate them with a passion, the foul mouthed little brats abused my mother over the fence because she wouldn't let them ride my brothers bike, they threw a post at our house WHICH ALMOST SMASHED OUR WINDOW! I could go on for hours about how I despise children, but you wouldn't be able to read it all.
This probably sounds horrible, but I hate children soooooo much! I can deal with them for about 30 seconds before I just want them to leave. I don't find them cute, especially not babies (they literally look like a deformed potato how is that adorable?") and the crying just drives me up the wall. I was at a presentation where you had the chance to ask people about their experience in space (an event I was excited about as you and to get invited to be able to go) and some parent brought their God-forsaken child and it sat and cried THE ENTIRE TIME. Like I was just trying to enjoy myself and instead this little kid was sitting whining and crying about whatever ("I'm bored!" "I want sweets!" "I want to go home!" And the like) and I just wanted the parent to take them out of the room and stop disrupting the entire thing. Also kids that are so spoiled are just the worst. They get whatever they want, and if they don't they just cry until they do. I know not all children are like this but seriously, I have never met a child I would like to spend more than 5 minutes with. (And I don't want any of my own, ever!) On Halloween I can deal with children I suppose, as all I need to do is give them some candy and they leave, so that is the only time of year I'm not wishing I could leave when they come around. On Christmas I have had too many experiences of spoilt family members that get tons of presents but still whine that there isn't enough or that they wanted something else, and then they have the audacity to come over and take my few presents (I get a few presents each year, just stuff that I ask for and that's it) and then they sit and play with them (they broke my new DS once and I was about to literally scream but my parents just told me "they are just kids" and I had to pay some of the money to get a new one. So yep, bad experiences with children. Never liked them, never plan to.
i hate little kids, some can really get on my nerves. i'm not sure if i'll have one in the future though
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it depends, i don't mind them if they are being raised well. if they're not on the other hand, they are little demons. i especially hate it when they don't look where they're going and then you accidentally bump into them and then the mum gives you a weird look, LIKE IT'S NOT MY FAULT
dont find them appealing, mostly because i am super sensitive to noise. they can be super sweet and kind but around them i usually feel like i have to be responsible and make sure they dont get into trouble, so it kind of puts me on edge in a sense. i cant really hate them too much because i was a kid once, kind of still am, and all kids scream and cry on occasion. ciiiircle of life
I think I should have a couple when I'm older for the good of humanity.
Can't let these good looks go to waste, y'know

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wait i don't think I answered the question correctly
i don't like children, but since im under 18 a lot of people are like "but you are one!!!1111!!11!!" and they know what i mean. children are often spoilt and get whatever they want, and theyre generally just annoying brats. i dont know how people find babies cute??? theyre literally just creatures that can't do anything for themselves. younger children also tend to get what they want, and if they do something wrong instead of punishing them and letting them know its wrong, often people are like "theyre just children!!! they dont understand!!!" even though it is clearly their fault. i also hate how everyone expects you to have kids, or are like "oh youll change your mind~", because i know myself better then them.
I'm not a fan of them at all. Not hate, but definitely bordering dislike. They're just really unpredictable and I don't like that. :<
I think no one likes crying/screaming kids, but sometimes kids are just uncontrollable. In general I really like kids and I'd love to have my own someday.
Babies make me uneasy, I don't mind older kids except for the fact that I have emetophobia so whenever I'm around them I'm afraid they're going to be sick. But other than that they're ok, they can be really cute.
i'm very protective of kids, especially with little kids and stuff. i can understand why they're annoying and sometimes uncontrollable, but i try my best to take care of them and stuff.
I really don't want kids. I don't wanna be responsible for someones entire life. Also theres enough ppl in this world and I believe everyone who doesn't REALLY WANT kids just shouldn't get them.