How Do You Feel About Vegetables?

i LOVE vegetables. honestly think i might pick them over fruit. also as a vegetarian they kinda come in handy for a lot of things. although mushrooms are disgusting so. altho i guess technically they're not a vegetable sooooo
I have so many favorite vegetables I just can't count how many I like, so I say I like a lot of them.
I love vegetables tbh, vegetable soup is like my favourite ever dish.
Fruit is yum, but I’d pick vegetables over it.
im more of a fruit kinda person, but i do LIKE veggies not LOVE them !! ngl i love carrots and ranch over plain veggies P: but
corn, broccoli, and green beans are pretty yum <3
I have always liked vegetables, I haven?t found a kind I don?t like. Now my brother on the other hand, oh boy...
I'm such a little kid, I swear... I hate vegetables. The only time vegetables are tolerable to me is if they're mixed with some type of meat. I thought I was supposed to outgrow this? >.>
i'm kind of picky about veggies i guess? most of them i don't like unless they're cooked (e.g. carrots, broccoli, cauliflower, etc.) but i really enjoy green beans, peppers, and corn. hate asparagus and cucumbers though, and i don't really care for peas but i'll eat them if they're in something.
as far as i'm concerned



p e r i s h

i think i'm allergic to them or something. my throat starts to hurt and it feels like it swells up. not a fun time lol
i like most other vegetables, though. especially carrots <3
I love vegetables. I eat them raw with lunch and dinner. People who dont eat vegetables are gross.
I love them.

To all you meat eating heathens -> Give PEAS a chance. :D
I'm fine with most vegetables, esp if they're made into dips, which I guess kinda defeats the health purpose of a veggie if one is going to add fats and cheeses to it. I do like raw bell peppers.

One I absolutely hate is straight up corn. Hate it. I hate the taste and texture and if I concentrate on that too hard it makes me want to gag. Eating corn is a terrible experience and no amount of butter or mashed potatoe will mask the horridness of it.
I like certain kinds. Generally I like vegetables that are cooked and have been flavored a certain way.
I love vegetables! I probably don't eat enough of them, but I love them nonetheless.

My favorite veggie is Broccoli. I've always loved it, even when I was younger! :)
i don't like vegetables whatsoever. about the only ones i like are cucumbers, carrots (except cooked), and zucchini. but i know i need to eat them more, so i'm trying to do so lately.
I like vegetables! Though I love them more if they're seasoned and cooked well. Raw vegetables can be hard to eat sometimes..
I love vegetables! Both cooked and raw (ofc, only if they're edible raw, since not all veggies can be eaten raw). Butternut squash is one of my favorite vegetables atm, it's so versatile and has great flavor. I think more people would enjoy veggies more if they took more time to search for more hearty and healthy veggie focused recipes, not just as sides.
I love vegetables and always have. I was a vegetarian for many years and even though I do eat some meat now, I still prefer vegetables and will make a meal out of nothing but vegetables if given the opportunity. I'm not very adventurous so there are a lot of vegetables I still haven't tried, but the only one I know I don't like is cooked spinach. It tastes terrible and gets stuck in your teeth. No thank you.
Vegetables have to be cooked right, otherwise they can be nasty af. My favs are definitely corn on the cob, carrots and spaghetti squash!