How do you handle DIYs if you don't have a permanent station set up?


Senior Member
May 22, 2014
I've always had a diy bench and resources set out on my island. Honestly, I'm tired of doing that and am thinking of dismantling it. If you don't have one, how do you manage it? I don't want to have to run back to my house every time I need a shovel or something, but it's not like my station is always close by, either.
I keep a diy bench in my bag to I use wherever I am. If you do this just be careful when you sell stuff cause I have accidentally sold my bench more than once.
honestly? i don't break a lot of tools anymore, once i started customizing them at the start of my play to reset their breakage %. but i understand the feeling of having to run back home to get things; i never leave materials laying around, even the extra DIY bench i have outside my nooks cranny area doesn't have materials around it, it's just there for an easier convenience if i already have the materials on me (like when i need to make fishing bait, i can run to my nooks cranny bench than all the way to the top left corner of the map to get to my house).

it kind of becomes apart of the system, i guess, for me. whenever i need materials i don't have, i have to run back home. i even put my work bench in one of the side rooms in my home, so that entire room acts like my 'DIY room' of sorts, so it's even a little more tedious because i have to sit through the fading in and out of screens just to get to the room necessary to craft items.

in short? my nooks cranny is near my airport, and i have a DIY bench outside of it that generally gets more use out of day-to-day items like fishing bait, medicine, customizing tools etc. and i primarily use my DIY bench in my house for my larger projects that require a better assortment of materials.
I just leave a DIY bench in the corner of the first room of my house. I also have one out on my island that I use when I don't feel like running back home just to customize a tool to reset the durability.
i always run back to my house. it is in the middle of my island anyway so it's usually not much farther away than any diy station i would set up. the only exception is if i'm working on an area and want to be able to easily customize the items i have brought because i realize the colors i chose don't work.

to make things easier for me i mass craft tools and just go back to my house to grab a new, already crafted, shovel from my storage. it takes less time and effort than to always craft a shovel when mine breaks.

i do have a diy bench outside my house too, but i rarely use it. it doesn't look bad though (i'm using a customized ironwood diy bench, which i think looks pretty good) so i am in no rush to remove it
I have several benches placed at key locations in my town. I store all resources in my storage though. The outside benches are usually good for tool repairs, while my home DIY bench is good for bigger jobs.
I have scattered DIY benches on my island. They're placed in areas where they look cute, though- they're not exactly decorations but I make sure they fit and don't look super jarring and out of place. Then, in my inventory I keep the main materials (the different types of wood, rocks, iron, etc.) until a stack reaches 30, when I put it in storage (since the inventory is bigger then ever I never run into much of a problem with this). More often then not I have enough materials to make whatever it is I need on hand. On the rare occasion I don't, I either run home quick to get them or I just gather more. It works well for me!
I always move my bench/key materials around outside depending on what area I'm working on so it's nearby and remove it when I'm done (unless it fits in a particular area like my outdoor pottery studio). Otherwise, I'll only keep one in my house to use for the occasional DIY customization or craft. My house is centrally located and my island isn't hard to navigate so it doesn't bother me to go inside every time I need to craft something.

For tools, I craft 2-3 of the ones I use most often (shovel, fishing rod, slingshot, and net) and keep them in my pockets so I don't feel like I'm always crafting them. Although now I buy them more often than I craft them.
I have several benches placed at key locations in my town. I store all resources in my storage though. The outside benches are usually good for tool repairs, while my home DIY bench is good for bigger jobs.

we both have the same tactics ^^, I only created furniture at home but I customised my tools outside :)
Unless I'm forgetting any, I have nearly ten crafting benches located throughout my island to customize my tools whenever they approach their breaking point. I only craft furniture in the house; I try to craft multiples in one sitting, unless I am making something for an Amiibo visitor in the campsite. I used to carry around common crafting materials (all types of wood, iron nuggets, and such), but now I generally only carry the tools, diving suit, and customization kits to keep my inventory organized.
I have one DIY table near my house and one inside my house that I use, and if I was near resident services I'll use Tom Nook's bench.

If I needed to craft and paint many items at once for a specific project/area, I'll just bring the DIY bench w/ me and put it temporarily near the area.
I have DIY benches scattered around my island, but if I need materials I’m forced to go into my house. So the DIY benches being everywhere isn’t always as convenient as I intended it to be lol
I have three placed around main areas on my island and then one inside my house.

Two are on my beaches and 1 near Nook's. I did it for friends and visitors.
I try to incorporate workbenches into many of my areas, but in ways that still make sense. I mainly use them for repairing tools, but I don't mind running back home if I need materials. I sort of like it that way, honestly.
I literally just have one in my house that I use almost all the time (I'm generally having to run back there anyways since that's where I keep my materials), on the off chance that I can't be bothered running all the way back there or I'm carrying all the materials I need I'll usually use the one that's in my RS building
I've got a "Home Depot" area where I keep extra tools and materials. I actually set it up to look like a home improvement store so it's decorative too. I've also got 3 DIY work benches around my island (1 at Home Depot, 2 elsewhere), 1 in my house, 1 in the other human villager's house, and of course the one in town hall. So there is always a DIY bench somewhere nearby.
I keep some DIY tables (I like the ones that look like tree trunks) around my island for quick DIYs. I usually have a good amount of customization kits on me so I mainly use the DIY tables to customize tools to keep them from breaking and making fish bait.

If I want to craft something bigger I’ll have to go home for the materials! It’s a little frustrating having to run all the way back home cause I put my house in the top right of my island but oh well.
I have one mini diy workbench outside of nook and another one near one side of the beach on the rock area. I just might set up a 3rd (temporary) workbench on the other side of coast but on the beach near my pier. But yeah I think the trick is to strategically place multiples of them around the island so it’s not so difficult to access. If you don’t want to lay around the materials then you can always carry them in your inventory. Once the island is finished, there’s no more reason to have some many so then they can be removed
I have some laying on the floor of my arcade room (inside my house), but it's just temporary. I only keep them for a couple days, as I ask some of my friends if they need any of those DIYs; if they need them, just send the DIYs to them by mail (unless they want more than two). If not, I just sell them at the nook store.