how do you manage what screenshots you keep & which one's you delete?

me too... i'm currently putting the rest of my current island screenshots onto my facebook... so that i can get ready to restart....

i want apples ^^ *i currently have pears... not that i mind pears, though*
Honestly my native fruit was Oranges and my sister fruit was apples. I wanted Cherries since thats my favorite fruit.
I don’t personally take so much pictures. Just when something is really cute or an area I decorated and is finished. If I have too many pictures of the same thing, I start deleting and keep the favorite.
I keep a lot of mine and normally just get rid of ones that are duplicates or not needed but there’s too much sentimental value in most to get rid of them
I get a really big memory card...and then painstakingly go through and delete when I have to if/when storage seems to be a bit much.
Generally I find a lot are crappy ones that are simple to delete where I was trying to get a specific thing (like when the villager keeps moving etc). Other than that I mostly just keep ones that aren't repetitive and had a sentimental or overly cute dialogue between villagers. I try to not keep duplicates of any scenic type ones or of all in all it usually condenses down a bit. A lot of screenshots I might just have to show something or share somewhere which I'm fine with deleting/not keeping long term.
I don't, the amounts of screenshots I have yeah yikes 😅 After when I got my switch (and now tbh) I was dead broke lolll and had to borrow money to buy an SD card for the screenshots/videos. Even then I still have had to transfer them to the computer multiple times 😳 I have to say even through I know they are all safely on my computer it is still scary clicking the button on the switch to delete all 😥 The thing that sucks about not being very selective with them is my whole album is full of recent stuff! The screenshots on my system memory is the first pics when I brought my switch for splatoon. It is super fun to look back at it even if all the pictures are just of me levelling up lol! I would love if I could do the same with other games especially ac, have like an highlight album 😍 But alas I don't think I can put back on my Switch once I transferred off. In conclusion the screenshot button is my best pal to obnoxiously keeping taking them 🤷‍♀️
I probably should take more screenshots. There has been a few times where I know I wouldn't get the dialogue again and it never occurred to me to take a screenshot. Like when I got KK at 3 stars, or the first time I hit 5 stars. I don't think I have the screenshot when I finish the art exhibit or when Redd came to my island for the first time.

I take my sd card and just plug it into my computer to make a copy of all the screenshots and organize them and put all the ones I want to delete into a folder. So I can just double check if I want to get rid of them before deleting them for good. Then I clear my sd card so it'll be easier to pull out the folder again.
This game has the most screenshots I took in any game I've played, ever (over 2,000 since March 20th). But I haven't deleted any, even the bad shots. I still periodically copy them to my computer for backup though.

Videos are a different matter though.
the thing is i take multiples of majority of the things i do. i gotta stop that because it’s probably the 5th time now our photo gallery is full after cleaning out majority of it each time. sometimes i just delete almost all of them, but then i get upset because i miss them. i just wish there was a recovery option like that deletion box where you can recover it atleast during a 30-day period 😭
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ack, i feel this. i’ve currently got 633 screenshots and while i always find myself hoarding photos a bit lmao, i try to only keep screenshots of what i consider monumental; milestones, cute/funny moments, hanging out with my friends, pascal’s quotes, scenery shots that i’m proud of, island hopping finds, villager first and last days and before and after photos!

tldr; basically, i save screenshots of anything that may never happen again and anything else usually gets deleted. :’)

i've decided to keep the ones that are my absolute favourites.. for example, getting nookmiles, taking nice photos,

like you do, island hopping finds, villager first & last days & before and after photos :3

& also, builds :3
I keep almost everything. My switch has 830 screenshots on it currently. I have a sd card in my switch and an external hardrive that I periodically save them all to. Most of my screenshots are from animal crossing and stardew valley.
if you have a google account, you get 15GB of free memory in your google drive! i've been saving the pictures i upload to twitter and then putting them in a folder on my google drive.

you know? i think i'll do that, actually :3
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i've decided to keep the ones that are my absolute favourites.. for example, getting nookmiles, taking nice photos,

like you do, island hopping finds, villager first & last days & before and after photos :3

& also, builds :3

yay! the google drive idea is good, too! maybe i’ll give that a try if i ever start to run out of space aha.