How do you stay awake?

idk i can just force myself to stay awake unless i succumb to it by going to bed and just ?shutting my eyes for a bit?
being nocturnal + having insomnia isn't the greatest combo .___. rip
When I was in high school and crying for lack of sleep I used to just take 30 minute naps :eek: then after the nap I'd be ready to go again for a few more hours! Take care and good luck with your cramming > __ <

Ya know sometimes I get really tired around midday (depression) and I'll just lay in bed for like 30-mins to a hour without ever falling asleep and I'll be reenergized for the rest of the day.

Anyways, I don't ever stay up late for school. Not worth it. I procrastinate a lot but I break up my assignments over the week. It's worked for me so far but I should probably stop putting stuff off until the last couple days.
Coffee... always coffee. And actually doing something than sit here typing lol :p
If I HAVE to stay awake, like back in high school or having to finish something for work, the sheer fear of not being done on time will keep me awake and pushing through the urge to sleep. If I have no reason to want to be awake, I'll just sleep.
staying up late to do work causes me a lot of stress/anxiety so i really try not to, but when i absolutely have to usually lots of green tea + cold water does the trick. if i'm really sleepy then a few minutes on the treadmill will wake me up, too.