How fast can you read?

203 words per minute and 64 comprehension kjflmk that's quite incredibly mediocre.

As an excuse I'll say that I'm not english! Even in my mother tongue I tend to read quite slowly because I want to understand everything. (And I do hgflk) But apparently in english my brain can't read fast but can't even comprehend anything!
I mean, the text was boring so I guess that's why I didn't get a good score. Also I was listening to ASMR in the background so it was quite disturbing hehe.
my speed is 247pm and 73% comprehension
I'm quite surprised I thought I was an extremely slow reader but turns out I'm kinda average?
I got 459 words per minute, and 82% coprhension. I woulv'e gotten in the 90s but question 5 was wordered badly that I did not underatnd it until after.
i got 210 words per minute and 82% comprehension which honestly doesn't surprise me, i had a feeling i'd get a lower number lol.
I did this in French class (so the passage was in French) and got 135 words per minute and 82% comprehension. I'm sure I would do faster in English but I know what the text says now so the results would be skewed :p
I got 290 WPM and 64% comprehension.
It was sort of diificult because the text was very boring and I thought I would get worse on my comprehension actually than what I got.
I got 210 wpm, which is around what I expected. I'm not a fast reader at all. I never really liked reading as a kid, so I didn't read much and improve my skills to be honest haha. My reading comprehension was 91% though! That's better than I thought.
i’m not sure of the exact word count but i can read an entire paragraph in less than a minute ;u;
215 wpm and 82%. im really surprised by that because i rushed it and didnt pay much attention. i guessed a few questions. i usually have to read slower and keep reading the same sentences to actually get it
370 with 82% c:
I'm a pretty quick reader I used to go through multiple books a day when I was growing up lol. I dont read any books now though so I wonder if it would have been higher then?
743 WPM with 73%
I do tend to read things slowly though because I can be a bit /late/ sometimes and not comprehend things quickly loool
Instead of reading word for word, I kinda do this thing where I read sentence by sentence. I think I have a semi-photographic that comes in handy when I'm reading. I wouldn't call it "skimming"...because I don't look for key words or really gloss over anything. I literally just read full lines instead of words. Don't have any specific stats, or ever done any tests on that...but, yeah...that's how I read. When I took the test at the link, I got something like 1300 wpm. But...I don't really think that means anything.
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