How long was/is your longest lasting friendship?

15 years and counting with non-identical twins, they were actually my neighbors and the only reason we spoke, was because they got a chihuahua the same year I got mine! They actually went and rang my doorbell to talk about it and I'm so grateful for that, they became more like family to me because they literally lived right across the street and we would spend so much time at each others houses. Since then, we've moved and found different places to live, but we still keep in touch and I try to go visit them as often as I can (although that might change due to our new normal). I still keep in touch via social media and messaging!
I only have one person I consider a friend in real life, my best friend of nine years. We met in high school, but both just recently graduated from different universities. Oh, and he’s 18. Literally one of the coolest guys I know and no one will ever replace him.
17 years! we met when we were eight and i still consider her one of my dearest friends.
11ish years I think. We met over text from my old friend in junior high school. I hadn’t even seen him in person for like 8 years. I just liked how much we got along and could talk about anything, we haven’t talked much lately but he’s always going to be a dear friend of mine. When I did get to meet him I drove two hours to a mall and we were both nervous because of all those years talking over the phone lol it was pretty awkward. We ended up getting along and watching movies together, lol so I’ve only seen him twice.
Then there’s my other best friend I met sophomore year of high school and we talk on and off but will always be there for eachother and always remain very good friends.
It’s really hard to keep friends, from what I’ve realized the friends you make that you like to see all the time only last about a year or so then one of you moves on. The best friends to keep are the ones that you can talk to once a month and randomly more every now and then. The space is a good thing when you’re an adult with a life and a job.
About 8 years, we met in elementary school and attended high school together as casual friends but it wasn’t until after high school we got very close.
My longest friendship is from like 22 years ago when we were in kindergarten. But I've moved around so much that it's been hard to keep long-lasting, in-person friendships. Now it's more like.. I totally love and support you, I'm always cheering you on, but life gets busy and we mostly catch up when we're both in town
my longest friendship was from kindergarten through all school years and a little longer so i guess ~15 years? sadly it didnt last and we havent talked in years. it got really toxic in the end so im glad its over.
My longest friendship currently and still ongoing is 7 years and counting. She is now my best friend and significant other after 6 months of courtship in the beginning. I have made many friends over the years but never really remained closed friends with many. I changed schools so many times and moved to different countries making it hard to really form a deeper bond with anyone really. I still catch up with my friends from various periods of my life from time to time on social media but I wouldn't be able to pinpoint how long those friendships are :unsure:
This may sound cheesy but my best friend is my husband. We started dating 17 years ago and were friends for at least a year or two before that, so I guess that would be around 18-19 years total.

I never had friendships that lasted more than 4-5 years in school because one of us would always move and we'd lose touch. I did have one friend at work for maybe about 10 years or so. She was the Maid of Honor at my wedding. But after we stopped working together, we didn't keep in touch very much and now we haven't talked in years.
i had a best friend from kindergarten (age 5) till age 14 so about 9 years. we didn't get along at first but were forced to hang out because our mothers were friends. eventually we made peace and were best friends. we went to summer camps together every year. i remember we bonded over talking about cute guys and making nicknames so they didn't know we were talking about them and played stuff like MASH and those love percentage predictors hahah.

i moved and we stopped talking gradually but tbh, we were already drifting away before i moved because we started becoming different types of people. i still talk with a couple of friends i met in my first year of high school around 6 years ago so that would by my second longest ones.
My longest friendship has been going strong for nearly 13 years! We played in the playground during the first day of Elementary School. Even though I moved a while ago, I still see him about once a year.
I have one best friend that I've been friends with for almost 12 years, and two best friends that I've been friends with for almost 10 years :) All four of us became good friends almost 10 years ago and it's still going! Soooo many things have changed, and there has been some pretty major rifts and challenges along the way. In addition to that, we've since then became "adults", so there's prolonged periods of time where we have no contact with each other. However that hasn't really affected our friendship as we're always able to pick up where we left from :)
I have a friend who I went to kindergarten, elementary school, middle school and high school with. I live in a different country now but still make time to see him whenever I go back home. So that's... almost a 20 year relationship :0
10+ years. I live in the same house as them now. We met when they told somebody we mutually didnt like to "f... right off", I thought it was funny, then we bought socks.

Other friends are only a couple years, anybody longer than than that are typically more of an acquaintance.

I didn't keep in contact with anybody from school or anything, so I dont really know anybody anymore from before I was about 16.
I think my longest irl friendship going on right now might be like six or seven years? We hang out every now and then (except now durin rona), occasionally message but we’re both busy with school and work. Online I can’t say for sure, there’s people here I’ve known for a while and would call friends, but honestly I do feel like a bad friend in some regards because I dont check up on them as often as I probably should
I think I was about 13 when I met my friend Cat. I recently turned 51, so that would make it 48 years we've been friends. She and her husband are in the process of moving across the country, which stinks, but I don't see it ending our friendship.
4 years for one of my best friends who's a year younger than me
4 years with this girl group I got going on, 10/10 people, no drama, very crunchy and woodsy
About 13 years. We'd been friends since preschool and I developed feelings for her, came out to her, was briefly flirted with, and then ghosted. Tbh I still miss her a lot; she was my best friend and that's what I'll always miss most, not a potential romance.
About 13 years. We'd been friends since preschool and I developed feelings for her, came out to her, was briefly flirted with, and then ghosted. Tbh I still miss her a lot; she was my best friend and that's what I'll always miss most, not a potential romance.
That's so sad. I'm sorry to hear that. :(