How long was/is your longest lasting friendship?

I’m five years into a friendship with my best friend. We met on an Animal Crossing forum, actually. It wasn’t this one. We bonded over hockey and things kind of drifted off last year, but we’re back to talking. It’s like nothing changed.
It's still going, we've been friends since we were 4 and we're in our thirties now! We've had our ups and downs over the years, but we always work it out. Sadly we're both quite badly tainted by the murder of another friend by a man who kinda took us all in when we were troubled teens. Sometimes it's hard to really spend time with my friend because our happiest memories are so painful now that it's hard to talk about for long without getting emotional. Given the cruel way our friend was taken from this world, the void she's left behind feels even bigger.
I've been friends with my best friend for 12 years 0v0
we met on deviantart; knew each other for seven years before we finally met in person when I came to their wedding~
For me it's 11 years we don't talk as much as we use to but we're still like brothers and we'll always be there for each other!
15 years? I haven't actually seen her in a few years but we chat online occasionally.
She recently showed me something I drew for her like a decade ago, can't believe she still had it :eek:
Funny this question was brought up cause I just introduced her to this forum last month and we're now playing mafia together XD
21 years and counting babyyy ~ we became friends in kindergarten when we were 3. We hang out and chat to this day, she’s my oldest friend ♥️

I don’t have a huge amount of friends anymore, lost touch with quite a number of them over the years. But the friendships I do build tend to last for many years. I’m really picky about what kind of people I want to be around and like.
My longest friendship has been about 12 years (we met in pre-k/kindergarten), but I have 3 friends that I met around the same time then that I still talk to.
My longest-lasting friendship that has ended was 16 years, but my current longest friendship is 6 years.