how many meals do you typically eat in a day?


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  • I actually just snack around throughout the day

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I usually eat 2 meals a day, which is lunch and dinner. I wake up at noon and don't eat right away, so when I do end up having my first meal it's late in the afternoon (like 3-4 PM). 😅 Even on school days when I wake up early I don't eat breakfast, but I'm definitely working on that.
i try to aim for 3 meals, but sometimes I'll forget about lunch if I'm busy during the day. i also try to avoid snacking too much during the day so it doesn't ruin my appetite during main meals ;w;
I eat breakfast and dinner, so two meals. Sometimes I'll have a snack/dessert after dinner.
I try to stick to three (breakfast, lunch, and dinner) but sometimes life happens and I either skip breakfast or have a very late lunch which turns into dinner.
I would say most of the time it's two normal meals and any other food I eat would be considered more of a snack.