how many nook tickets did it take to meet your dreamies?

I have used probably like 30 tickets and haven't gotten any super dreamies -- I did find Tia, though, who was super cute and I now love... originally she wasn't someone I wanted.
Haven't found any of my dreamies yet!
But I managed to get Marina, Beau, Zucker, and Dobie onto my island as the 6-10th villagers!
I had to restart my town after a few days due to an error on my part, the first time around I had Fuchsia (dreamie) from the start (I did reset about 20 times), then I got Flora on my first island tour, Molly on my third and Bob on my fifth. Flora and Molly I have the amiibos for and was planning to try in my town (I’m not totally fixed on my villagers, I have more than 10 favourites) and Bob I’d never really considered but wanted to give him a chance. When I restarted I reset about 40 times, maybe more, I lost count, and got Genji as a started. Genji is definitely a dreamie! Then island tours I was super unlucky, think I used up all my luck the first time around!! Must have done about 40 before I gave up and plotted so a random peppy could move in (I’d invited Fauna and Punchy at this stage, neither are dreamies but I really love them now they’ve moved in).
I can invite all my dreamies except the new villagers, I want Dom (had him at one point when resetting and I loved him, to my surprise) and Raymond but who knows, I can invite Marshal as my smug so if I don’t come across Raymond I guess I can live with that.
1 ticket for Diana

and while this isn't about plots, i actually forgot i had an empty plot and noticed someone was moving and i was terrified of who i'd meet. turns out JUDY was moving in, another dreamy for me
haven’t found any of my dreamies yet! i have a feeling it’s gonna take a long time until i do lol
I was very lucky because three of my first four Nook Ticket villagers were Octavian,Audie and Skye and I invited all three to move in.But after that,everything came back down to earth as I bought about twelve more tickets and the only interesting villager I saw was Stitches.
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I haven't found any yet unfortunately, and I've spent probably around 10-15 tickets just yesterday. Pretty annoying, I've only found villagers like Barold, Vic, and Sterling :(

I did come across Cherry and thought of taking her to be safe in case I didn't find anyone I liked in the least. But I wanted to hold out hope and I still haven't found anyone to go in my empty plot yet.
I'm hoping I find Raymond or Audie really badly.

I've only found one dreamie so far - Fang (We were CF buddies, iirc). Really happy about that, and I started with Cherry who I adore.

Samson was my jock. Not super attached to him, though he's OK. I found Cranston, and I really like him, tbh - he wasn't a dreamie, but is now!
Just built my 4th plot so I guess the hunt begins! Good luck to everyone still hunting! I'm wanting Bob, Tangy, Stitches, Vivian, really I'll accept anyone decent since the plot is down.
I've used probably between 15-20 tickets I think?
But I've gotten Tia, Fauna, and Zucker so far!

Walker is in boxes today for me, so I'm saving up my tickets and tomorrow I'm going hunting for Audie! ...or a cute snooty/cranky villager at the very least!
I met Cookie on my third tour but knowing my luck I’ll probably never see another again lmaoooo
It took my 6 year old daughter all of the free one Nook gives to run into her dreamy, Tutu. Tutu and her share a birthday, so it was extra awesome! I have yet to run into any of mine, but it's fine because I've got all the Amiibo cards.

I was just island hopping for materials and ran into my buddy Julian after 4~ tickets last night.
Well. After 4 tickets during day 2, I found my favorite Lazy, Raddle. At first I thought I was never going to find any of my dreamies, but then after I found him, I was content.

After that, I haven't found anyone else. I did find Cyd however, and thought I'd give him a try, but it is more than likely that I'm going to move him out in favor of Boris.
I have way more than ten villagers that I love and it's too difficult to narrow down so I don't really have a set of dreamies

I kind of just island hop until I find one of my favorite villagers. Yesterday I found Kabuki on my first nook mile ticket and he's a favorite of mine so that worked out well. So far today I've only used 1 ticket and found Tad who I don't really like so I let him be. I'm just going to keep looking until I find a cute villager, I don't have a specific list.
Honestly I couldn't believe my luck, as I found one of my ultimate dreamies, Skye, on my second mystery island tour. I also found Audie and Zucker, all of this before even having the first three plots. I think I might have used up all my luck for future tours, lol

You got Audie and Skye????
This is giving me "hunting for shiny pokemon" throwback lol but i dont plan on giving up this time around.
I havent found my dreamies yet but reading through this thread gives me hope!