how many pair of shades do you own?

Just one pair, I think it's enough for me. I don't really like the way it looks on me so I think I'll just give them away.
I don't even own one, we just have like 5 99ct ones lying around in case we need it.
1, but I rarely wear them and they're just in the bottom of my backpack rotting away. I used to really like shades but that was when I was really young and didn't have proscription glasses/need to pay way too much for a pair of shades.
none, i really want to buy those sunglasses stars have, that have a gold rim ya know, ricegum wears it

also i want the circular sunglasses, i'm too broke to buy em tho
I have loads but I'm always breaking them, I struggle with my eyes anyway so I use prescription ones for driving now
Probably have about 15 pairs...