How often do you fly?

How many times have you flown this year

  • Never been on an airplane

    Votes: 31 28.4%
  • 1-2 times

    Votes: 52 47.7%
  • 3-4 times

    Votes: 11 10.1%
  • 5+

    Votes: 15 13.8%

  • Total voters
I?ve flown six times in my life time, all we?re by myself. The first time, I had never flown before so of course I was super nervous. Not to mention I had a layover in DC and my next flight was on the exact opposite end of the airport. I?m surprised I made it. My favorite thing about flying is taking off, I like the window seat! My least favorite thing... the turbulence in those small airplanes. I have not flown this year and don?t plan on flying next year, but who knows!
I've been on a plane once LOL. I'm too poor to afford flying anywhere sadly.
I never was in my life in a plane and I'm not sure if I ever gonna fly, because I'm kind of scared about
Ugh I hate flying. I usually go on a round trip to Florida every year by plane (also one during Christmas break by car) and I get airsick really badly. Luckily my mom always insists on being the last people to leave the plane because I usually throw up before we've gotten off.
I used to fly kinda often. Like every once in 2-4 weeks, for my work. Now not so often due to family situation. But because I love the feel of flying, I go on a short trip to the airport sometimes. I can't board, but looking at the plane flying high in the sky whilst eating/drinking something nice is a casual nice way to relax.
at one point it was 1 or 2 times a year, i haven't been on a plane though in a couple of years, i'm actually flying in a couple of weeks though, i'm pretty nervous about it
Never flown! My first flight will be next year, to Spain.
I’m going to Korea in a couple of weeks so I’ll fly to that! (Obviously lol)
Last flight I went on was a couple of years ago to Florida I believe. I’ve been on a lot of planes tho
I've only flown once round trip to the Bahamas and back. That was many years ago and I really didn't like it. I'm not afraid of flying. It's just all the waiting at the airport and the fear of losing my luggage or having it damaged. Then, when I get on the plane I have panic attacks from being surrounded by so many strangers with no way out.

I had a bad experience on my one flight, too. They pulled me out of line at the airport to do a random bag check, separating me from my husband. He's my rock and the only thing that helps me fight through the panic attacks. Then, due to various delays and issues, we had to wait over an hour to see each again. It was a nightmare for me and it was our honeymoon. I'll only fly again in the future if it's absolutely necessary.
last time i went on a plane was five years ago in 2014 but i'm going to fly to london in november. when i was a kid we used to fly a lot more, maybe once a year.
not often. once when i immigrated to canada. then twice to once to go back to my home town. once when i moved to the city i currently live in.

i absolutely hate plane rides though because i have motion sickness and it makes me nauseous for days. does not help that a plane ride directly to my hometown is like at least 15h, but we always do transfers. x-x i have vomit phobia which makes it worse and i just want to die for a few days of constant stress due to that lol
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I've been on 3 this year because I travelled to my destination then on the way home I had a stopover which meant 2 planes back
I was so genuinely confused at first, I thought that this meant like... with your wings.

I've only flown like... 3-4 times in my entire life, but only when I was so little that I don't remember it at all. Now, what, I'm almost 17 and I really haven't flown in 15 years.