I walk pretty much everywhere, though I am a five minute walk from the grocery store and a three minute walk from the nearest convenience store...but I try to make an effort to walk 30 minutes at least 5 days a week anyway.
I go for a walk every day (typically 40-80 min). I don't live in a walk-friendly town (I'd need to take transit to get anywhere specific), but will walk to, in-between, and from.
I selected every day but I'll say it's an almost every day. I walk a lot out of necessity since I don't own a car, walking is a big part of how I get around. But it's also an activity I find enjoyable and a good way for me to clear my mind. A way for me to stay a little bit healthier physically too. If I have the energy after work I will sometimes take the long way home to get an extra bit of walking. On my days off I'll typically just walk around my neighbourhood. How far/long I walk on those days just depends on my mood and the weather.
I walk every day to get some exercise and fresh air. It's nice to take a stroll in forests and parks since it's the easiest way to get physically active. The town I live in has nearby stores that I normally just walk to if I want to buy something for myself. My job is also at a walking distance from my home which is very convenient.
I walk my dog at least 45minutes - 1 hour 6 days a week. I work way to early on Thursday to take her. On my days off if the weather is not crazy hot she gets a second 25-30 minute walk in the evening.
I live too far away from everything to walk lol. I do ride my bike sometimes but if I need to get groceries (which is at least 2-3 miles) I drive there.
when I didn't have my license I just didn't really go anywhere at all
I walk every day for at least 30 minutes. I didn't really walk all that often before the pandemic since I drive to get to places, but once I begun to work from home, I decided walking daily would be good in order to get outside, get some fresh air, exercise, and also to just clear my head.
not as often as i should or that i’d like to tbh. i’ve been doing school online and have been a bit of a hermit crab since the pandemic started, i don’t have a job or irl friends to hang out with, and there’s no where i need or want to go that’s within walking distance of where i live, so really the only walking i do nowadays is around my apartment or the distance it takes to walk from my apartment to the underground garage. if i go out anywhere, i get there by car.
i used to walk around the block every day a few summers ago, which was like a 20-30 min walk for me. i’d really like to start doing that again, it’s just been hard as i never have the energy or motivation for anything, and walking becomes painful quickly due to some feet and back issues i’ve been having. i also had a traumatic experience on one of my walks a few years ago, and i’ve just kinda been put off from it ever since. i would like to start again once the autumn weather starts kicking in, though, as i’d like to try and get into better shape and i think it could be good for my mental health & stamina levels.
I don't like walking by myself so I don't take walks. With the city not doing anything about owners not keeping dogs and cats in their own yard, and how a lady's dog during a walk was attacked by a large dog, I'm not interested in walking my 10 pound and less dogs.
I’m lucky enough to live in a walkable city and I can walk all the way to work or to do my grocery shopping. It usually takes me 20-30 minutes to go to work and even though a bus can take me there in 5, I prefer walking because I don’t exercise much so it’s better than doing nothing.
Aside from catching the bus to and from work, I make sure to get off a few bus stops away and walk the rest of the way to walk as I find walking quite refreshing. I make sure to walk as much as I can before I have to rely on transportation.
I made walking a habit because working from home makes it far too easy to stay inside all day sitting in front of a computer. It's gotten easier since it's a routine now, fun even, although I have to admit I have been skipping days the last few months; the scenery here is nice for walking but not when the sun is burning down and all the plants are a depressing shade of dried-up-brown. Summer sucks.
I also walk to the office at least once a week (3km/35min both ways) and earlier today I walked to and from drums practice (4km both ways). It means I don't have to worry about exercising those days which is nice.
Trying to walk every other day now. Usually for 1h+ straight. Stopped during covid (there was more trauma for me at the time than just covid tho) and at one point I stopped walking out of my fear for dogs. I feel a lot better now. The walking is helping me, even if I’m stuck walking around lame spots.
Pretty much everyday. I don't have a car so if I have to go anywhere locally I walk. If I have to go far like 10 miles or more which is rarely ever then I take the city bus
I could walk near my house, but it's not that much fun, so I usually take my dog to the forest to walk. I like the tree-dense environment, and I can usually hear/see wildlife and it's more satisfying than having cars going past! To answer the question though, I walk almost every day.
I enjoy hiking too. The other day I did a little over 11 km (about 18,000 steps). It was an easy hike, but I really loved it, because I saw more wild kangaroos on that day than any other day! Last time I did this track I saw a wild emu with babies. I didn’t see any emu this time, but it had been raining recently, and I spotted this emu print (that I’m sure only I care about, but I’m sharing anyway lol ).
I really should walk more but in truth- I really don’t enjoy walking much. It is insanely boring to me and I hate how long it takes me to get to places. I hardly ever use the car for anything, my primary means of transportation is by bike, followed by train and public transport. Walking is often only my last choice if I absolutely can’t bike somewhere, like if it’s the depth of winter. Or if I really just have to go somewhere around the block like the shops - then I’ll walk of course.
Walking in the sense of taking a walk for leisure or exercise is excruciatingly annoying and boring though. It’s much better if I have company, walk a dog or at least can listen to decent audiobook. I also have a lot of issues with my feet so maybe that’s part of the problem. I prefer any other form of exercise under the sun over walking. I just need more sensory input, walks do not provide enough of the good ol’ dopamine my adhd brain craves every minute of the day.
I walk pretty much everyday. Since my cats are allowed to go outside I love going on a "walk" in my garden and them following me, it's so cute. I also do a walk everyday for about 10 - 20 minutes.
I never walk much in the Summer or Winter but in Fall and Spring I go on LOTS of walks! I love going with my parents and just walking around the whole neighborhood chatting for like an hour-ish! Its very nice and brings me joy! In summer and winter its too hot or cold though. I make sure to take breaks in spring and fall because of Pollen and my allergies!