19, but turning 20 in a few days!
I turned 25 this year! I'm still mentally an older child/teenager though. Who let me be an adult? I'm not very good at it.
i am phisically 13, but mentally 8 ish
To answer the post question, I'm 20 !
And I agree with Jessy_Azran, on all their points. Well said and kind hearted.
I turned 25 this year but I still mentally feel like I'm 19, and I look 15.
No one believes me when I open my door that I'm an adult. People are always asking for my parents. ;-;
I feel you! I turned 29 this year and I still get asked for my ID when I try to watch rated r movies! lol Perks of being short and having a round face shape I guess.
I'm in the sane boat as you. 5'4 with classic baby face asian genes. If they still id you at 29, theres no hope for me. *sobs in Chinese*