I feel like I'm in my late teens even though my body rudely reminds me every day that I'm in my 50s.
Long-winded explanation follows.
Being older means I take longer to explain anything.
When I was younger, in my early teens, I felt I was older in my head. In retrospect, I was just angry and angsty about people and things that I could not control. As I grew up and became more independent, I felt more my age. Not so angsty. So in my 20s, I felt like a 20-something. After getting married and becoming a parent, I felt older again, because it was difficult balancing priorities. We had to make sacrifices in our lifestyle because baby comes first. Then baby grew up and went to school, and I started feeling younger again. Because I had time for myself again, I could pick up new hobbies, do the stuff I enjoy doing. Baby is now a working adult. I feel like I've become the kid in the family instead because I read more comics, watch more anime and play more games than my kid does. (His idea of a perfect game to play is chess.
I believe, how young I feel depends on how much control I have over my own life, how much time I can spend doing what I want instead of doing what I must or what I should.
I don't know what the future holds, so there's still some anxiety about that, especially since my body is not what it used to be. Today I may feel like I'm 19. Tomorrow I may curse and swear about being closer to 90. That's life, I guess. Constant adjustment is required.