How old do you really feel?

Somewhere between 8 and 98. :LOL:

I find joy in things that I think many adults refuse to find joy in. And I also find most "adult" activities to be a pointless waste of time. That said, a lifetime of hard physical labor has left me feeling like a cripple half the time. Lol. I mean...that's an exaggeration, of course. I don't mean to compare myself to anyone who actually has real health issues. But, yeah...lots of joint pains, back pains, soreness and fatigue, etc. Lifetime of carrying logs and rocks, splitting firewood, digging holes, moving things, walking everywhere (since I don't drive), etc. Lots of hard work that has left its mark on me, for sure. Some days I feel great...other days I feel like I've been beaten with a 2x4. But...that's life, I guess.

I have no regrets about my life thus far. I've probably seen and done more than most. Sometimes I feel like I could be doing more (we could all do more)...but, I'm not one to dwell on things like that. So...yeah, just a solid life. Don't feel emotionally defeated, or stuck, or anything like that. Just feel like a guy who has somehow stayed alive for 31 years. Get really bad hangovers when I drink (never used to get any in my youth)...also have no desire to go to bars or clubs. So...I'm "old" in the sense that I've abandoned a lot of that. Can definitely think back to times when my body could "tolerate" more. Hahaha.
I'm 32, but I feel like I'm in my late teens/early 20's, body pains notwithstanding.
I was just denied a lot of living growing up, and now that my mother is gone, I feel free to do what I like.
I finally have friends, I have a lovely partner and home, pets, do a lot of gaming, do crazy things with my hair...
Also even though it's catching up to me, I do look a bit younger than my age. A lot of it is height. I'm only 5 ft.
I'm late twenties but I feel sixteen mentally sometimes haha, I'm young at heart :D because why the heck not!!
mentally 22, although i do indulge in childish things... physically? 65. my bones ache constantly
16. Mentally I feel like I just do not get some teen stuff but when I look at other people, I feel younger.
I’m about to be 15 but I feel like I’m going on 5.
Honestly it depends

Some days I feel like I'm 12 and some days I feel like I'm 45 and having a midlife crisis
Maybe this is too literal, but I'm currently feeling a lot of the vibes I had at 16. Which in turn is making me feel like an actual old man. Whatever it is I do not feel like my actual age
I feel like I should be at least 40 by now. I'm turning 26 next month and I feel like I've lived forever. Too much pain all day every day.
With how stressful this year has been, I feel like I’m 43 mentally and physically.
I feel like a 9 year old. I'm really 14.

totally not because of my "childish" obsessions ahhaahhhaaa